Elegant Sins - Stasia Black Page 0,32

her as I’m sure many recruits had done in the past, but I was not that man.

I owed her more.

She deserved equal.

If she was bare and exposed, I sure as fuck would be too.

And besides, there was a sick side of me that wanted those old fucks who would be watching to have to see my bare ass. Make them feel awkward—and most certainly envious—as they stared upon my dick that no doubt was much larger than any of theirs. I was proud of my lean, toned, and muscular body and would use it to my advantage to play mind games with the men who were forced to watch me fuck like they could only fantasize of doing as they stroked their limp and wrinkled cocks while watching porn.

Step two: bend her over the bed and claim from behind.

The good thing about fucking her in this position was that I wouldn’t have to see her face. I wouldn’t feel her breath on my mouth tempting me to kiss her as I entered her. I wouldn’t have to feel her body in my arms or hold her close in an intimate way I knew neither of us wanted or even expected.

This wasn’t making love. It was sex in the most raw, primal and depraved way while others watched. We might as well fuck like animals since we were practically in a cage surrounded by our keepers.

I took hold of her arms and led her to the edge of the bed. She didn’t resist or even tense up. In fact, she was the one who bent over and placed her palms on the silver and gold bed covering.

And thank God for that, because there was a split moment I froze and nearly buckled at the knees as she did so. I shouldn’t have glanced over to the Elders. I shouldn’t have looked.


I knew he would be there. Deep down I knew. Of course he would be there. He was an Elder. But I didn’t want to see his face, his judging eyes, his lips with a wicked smirk. I didn’t want to actually see him!

My father.

My father would watch me as I fucked this woman.

Sick, disgusting, twisted, and I had no choice but to quickly close my eyes and force the image out of my mind. I had to block the vision of him watching. I had to. I had to. He would not break me, and if I failed to fuck this woman… I would fail on the first night.

No, Dad, no. You will not win. So, watch all you want. Watch me do it better than you ever could. Watch me. I will complete every single step of this Initiation, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Watch, motherfucker. Watch.

Her ass. Yes, focus on her ass because as it was bent over the bed, it had the power to fully captivate my entire attention. Creamy white called to me. Her thin thighs were sealed tightly together, but I knew she would allow me to breach the connection for we had already crossed the line of no return. But regardless, I wanted more.

I stepped up behind her and pressed my hard cock at the seam of her ass. Bending over her positioned form, I placed my lips at her ear, wrapped my arm around her body, and I caressed her pussy searching for her clit.

When I made contact with my destination, and I felt her body tense beneath me, I circled and applied pressure to hopefully wake up a sexual need that could very well be ice cold.

With my lips still at her ear, I whispered, “Say yes. I need to hear it. Say yes.”

I heard her gasp and decided to lower my hand to her entrance and coated my finger in her wetness. I wouldn’t penetrate… not yet.

“Say it,” I demanded again. Maybe the Elders could hear. Maybe not. I didn’t care.

My finger waited. I waited. But I wanted to press inside of her so badly that my cock throbbed in anticipation.

“Yes,” she finally whispered. “Yes,” she repeated in case I didn’t hear.

Not with ease, but with force, I shoved my finger deep inside of her. Pumping in and out, I took pride in the fact that her pussy got wetter with every movement. I refused to fuck a dry pussy. She deserved better than that. We both did.

She remained quiet, but I could hear how her breathing changed when I added a second finger to ready

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