The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,64


“Oh, you really are a delight,” he said softly. He struck again, slightly harder, and, oh gods, she came. Sobbing and gasping—and coming.

He opened his pants, released his long, thick cock, and covered himself with a condom.

Setting a wedge-shaped cushion on the edge of the mattress, he slid her ass up onto it, so her pelvis was tilted up. Setting her feet against his stomach, he stroked his callused palms over her legs. “Eyes on me, Valerie.”

She met his gaze.

“Still green and good to continue, sweetheart?”

“Yes. Green.” Her voice was hoarse. “More.”

As he lifted her legs onto his shoulders, she realized the cushion put her pussy at just the right height for…

His cock pressed at her entrance, sliding, making her realize how wet she was. Her legs were on his shoulders, her hands pinned at her thighs. She pulled in a sudden breath at the vulnerability.

His green eyes met hers again, and he paused there at her entrance, giving her a chance to change her mind.

She lifted her hips toward him, only an inch. Yes.

“All right then.” Gripping her hips, he thrust, hard and deep, taking her in one devastating movement. He was big, and as she stretched around him, everything inside her burst in a glorious wave of sensation, and wave after wave of pleasure exploded inside her as she came again.

He was laughing as he hammered into her, and her orgasm kept coming, more and more. As he bent forward, her hips tilted up, letting him get almost painfully deep. The angle let him reach her breasts, and his hard hands caressed her, tugged and rolled the swollen nipples, sending more exquisite sensations through her.

Straightening, he gripped her hips again, holding her immobile. “Look at me, pet,” he growled.

Her gaze met his. His face was rock hard, the muscles standing out. Thrusting hard and fast, he held her gaze as his hands tightened, and his shaft jerked inside her.

And she could remember the first time they’d really talked and him saying in a rough deep voice, “…be assured I will take my pleasure when the time comes.”

He had. And the knowledge was incredibly satisfying.

After disposing of the condom, he lay down on the quilt and pulled Valerie into his arms. She squirmed closer, resting her head on his shoulder. It was a fine feeling to hold a sated, soft woman. And wasn’t it nice she was a snuggly one?

The air was cool against his still heated skin and smelled of sandalwood and sex—the finest of fragrances.

Eventually, she sighed and sat up. Seeing him watching, she flushed and wrapped the throw blanket from the end of the bed around herself. “I really should go. Thank—”

He gripped the blanket between her breasts. “Stay.”


“No, pet. Although I’ll admit I want to hold you longer and make love again later, I really do need to know you won’t drop after the fun we had earlier.”

When she appeared confused, he clarified, “Subdrop—when the endorphins disappear.”

“I’ve heard about that.” Her voice still held a sexy huskiness. “Ghost, I’m not sleepy, and I don’t want to keep you up.”

“I’m wide awake, too. Want to shower, have a glass of something, and see what happens?”

The tiny line between her eyebrows really was adorable. “Well… Are you sure?”

“I’m very sure. You can have the first shower while I get us something to drink. Beer, wine, juice or water?”

“Wine would be lovely.” She didn’t move.

He stroked a hand down her soft hair, remembering how difficult it had been to return to socializing—and sex—after his wife died.

Valerie had been brave to get this far. “Let me leave out some things in the bathroom.”

“Um. Right.”

After laying out towels, a robe, and a spare toothbrush, he bowed slightly. “All yours, pet.”

In the kitchen, he pulled out wine for her and a beer for him and left them on the coffee table.

When she left the bathroom, he went in. Time to deal with his leg.

Once his prosthesis was off, he took a quick shower and washed the liner, leaving it hanging to dry. After pulling on his robe, he set his knee on the iWalk knee crutch and strapped it to his thigh and upper calf. He left his prosthesis beside the bed with his second liner.

He was trained to be prepared for emergencies—and the amputation sure did fuck with his response time. He could no longer jump out of bed and run to deal with a problem.

But he was an expert at donning his prosthesis quickly—and if it took too much Copyright 2016 - 2024