The Effing List - Cherise Sinclair Page 0,63

set Valerie’s clothing on the dresser and dropped his bag at the end of the bed.

After stripping off her blanket, he sat Valerie in the center of the satin comforter. The black and dark blue arabesque patterns set off her fair skin. Her hair was tangled, her big blue eyes wide, and even as he watched, she flushed under his gaze. “What?”

“You are so pretty,” he murmured, and bent to kiss her.

As he straightened, she whispered, “I’m not, though.”


She shook her head, and he could see her thought processes were still running slower than her usual blinding speed. “I’m old and—”

“Stop.” Wasn’t it interesting how subspace and the aftermath could dredge up worries a submissive might never say aloud otherwise? “Valerie, self-disparagement wins you a punishment prize,” he said.

“Punishment?” Her soft pink mouth dropped open. “What?”

“We’re going to discuss your self-image later.” Holding her gaze with his, he slowly unbuckled his heavy leather belt and pulled it slowly from the loops. “But for now, I’ll give you a taste of what happens when you disparage yourself.”

Her eyes widened. “You can’t punish me—not without talking about it or anything.”

“Well, then we won’t call it punishment, but a continuation of the scene downstairs.” He grinned. “However, I’ll know—and you’ll know, it’s for talking like that about yourself.”

And after a few good swats, he really would continue the scene and slide her back into a fine erotic space before taking her.

However, it’d be good to discover if discipline domination turned her on.

Because he enjoyed the hell out of it.

Pushing her onto her back, he gripped her ankles in one hand, and lifted her legs up into the air, slightly toward her shoulders. Her ass tilted up in an excellent vulnerable position.


Her ass cheeks were still reddened from the flogging and cane—although he’d gone easy on her. Poor subbie.

“This, woman, is going to hurt,” he said in Arabic.

He smacked her with the folded over portion of his belt, left cheek, right cheek. Powerful enough to sting. Discipline, right? The sound was most pleasant.

Although, he’d been half erect for an hour, her adorable squeaky-squeal hardened him like a rock. “Nice. Let’s hear that again.” He slapped the belt over both cheeks of her pink ass and got the response he wanted.

Her scream was even louder, and even as her eyes filled with tears, her nipples contracted into hard peaks.

Setting the belt down, he brushed his palm over the new pink stripes on her ass, then, pulling her legs even farther up, he checked her pussy. Very slick. “Sweetheart, you like being punished.”

“No, you’re wrong. Of course, I don’t.”

Such a weak protest.

“Your safeword is red. Because I’m going to make sure you think twice before saying you’re anything but gorgeous.” Gripping her ankles more firmly, he picked up the belt and gave her three more stinging blows.

She sobbed but…the look in those tear-filled eyes held pure submission.


Letting her legs down, he set her feet on the bed, widely apart, opening her to his gaze. She was bare for him, her pussy glistening with arousal. “Now, this is another warning. If you exceed my patience, there are other targets than your pretty ass. Like here.”

Holding her gaze, he ran a finger around her clit, feeling her shiver under his touch.

Her eyes dilated and…yes, she was holding her breath. Someone was turned on by the idea of pussy spanking, was she?

He wouldn’t, surely, he wouldn’t. Valerie’s bottom already stung, the burn from earlier re-ignited by the belt—and the pain had already turned into an urgent need for more.

But her pussy? She put her hands right over the target. Her clit was aching with need to be touched. But not slapped, surely not.

His lips curved into a terrifying smile.

“You should have a sample, don’t you think?” He reached into his bag and pulled two lengths of something out. One went around her left thigh, and he clipped her left wrist cuff to it, then did the right side the same way, leaving her hands pinned to the outside of each thigh.

Leaving her pussy open and unprotected.

Her heart started hammering, and she pulled in air, even as her body shivered with a dark need. “Wait.”

“No. I think we’re both going to enjoy this.” He lifted his hand, paused, and then slapped right on her mound.

The shock reverberated through her a second before the stinging burst through the tender area. She tried to move—and couldn’t. Her whole body went rigid as pain—and heat—surged outward, bringing her right to the edge of Copyright 2016 - 2024