Eclipse of the Heart - By Carly Carson Page 0,19

ridiculous. But she needed to maintain her independence.

Didn't she?

As if he heard her thoughts, Logan spoke again, his deep voice warm in the cold night. "It's just a ride, Mandy. Nothing more."

She jerked her head up to look at him. "Why did you call me Mandy?"

His eyes widened a fraction. "It suits you, I guess."

She wondered if he'd even realized he said it.

"I like Amanda." She lifted her chin.

His lips quirked upwards. "I'll try to remember that." He nodded toward the limo. "Now can we get in the car and get everyone home tonight?"

"Fine." She tried to stomp over to the limo, but the slippery footing foiled her. Logan's hand was always there to catch her, and she was well aware of how cleverly she was being maneuvered into accepting his touch.

Too bad they were going to Philadelphia in two days.

She had to be careful not to end up alone with him again.

Chapter 8

Logan ushered Amanda into their suite at the Four Seasons Philadelphia, with a light hand on the back of her waist. This stage of the game would be both fun and frustrating. He needed to lull her into accepting both his presence and his touch, without losing his own patience.

"I've arranged a dinner here with the Molloys, the owners of Daily Eats," he said, hoping to forestall any complaints from her about sharing the suite. "They'll be here at 5:30."

She gazed at him for a long moment. "Feeling clever, aren't you?"

"Mrs. Molloy is in a wheelchair." He was careful to keep any smugness out of his tone. "It's easier for her if we don't have to deal with a restaurant."

"Surely it would be easier for her if we went to their place."

"I gave them their choice. They work out of their home and said it would be a treat to get out."

"A hotel suite is not a professional place in which to hold business meetings."

He shrugged, maintaining his casual approach. "Believe it or not, I often have meetings at my hotel when traveling. It's easier for me and it justifies the expense of renting a suite."

Amanda pressed her lips together, tightened her hold on her rolling suitcase, and marched off to one of the bedrooms.

She was back in the living area of the suite at 5:15. On the table in the dining area, she laid out her laptop and some brochures he'd given her. "This is an interesting business," she said. "Why are the Molloys selling?"

"Her illness." Logan placed his own laptop on the table next to hers. "Multiple sclerosis. They've lived with it for a long time, but apparently her episodes of sickness are becoming more frequent."

Amanda nodded. "I've prepared a list of questions and forwarded them to you."

"I saw them. Good job. Why don't you start off the meeting?"

He was interested in seeing how she handled herself with clients. Even though he wanted a personal relationship with her, he expected her to also handle the professional job for which he'd hired her.

They ate the dinner provided by room service first. Amanda single-handedly kept the conversation going, as Bill Molloy was faintly hostile throughout the meal, and Mrs. Molloy very quiet.

Then she was equally as impressive during the after-dinner meeting. She was professionally cordial to the Molloys, keeping an eye out for Mrs. Molloy's comfort, while still pressing forward with the hard questions that needed to be asked.

Logan was able to sit back and watch, interjecting an occasional comment when necessary. This gave him more time than he wanted to indulge his fantasies. Tonight, Amanda was wearing the same suit she'd worn on her first interview with him. The cut did not flatter her lush figure. Fortunately, he had a good imagination.

He pictured her dressed in the suit, minus the prim, high-necked blouse. He could slip his hand inside her jacket, caress the underside of her breast, and tease her a bit. He knew she'd be soft and plump where it counted.

"What do you think, Logan?" Amanda raised her brows, a puzzled look in her eyes, and he wondered if she'd had to repeat the question.

"Good idea," he said, trying to focus his attention. "What do you think?"

She frowned. "I just agreed with the Molloys' suggestion that we meet with their accountant after we visit their offices tomorrow."

"Yes, certainly." He jerked his gaze away from her lips. "We can do that."

"You told me we were returning to New York at 3 in the afternoon. We'd have to change those plans to accommodate the accountant." Amanda still Copyright 2016 - 2024