Eclipse of the Heart - By Carly Carson Page 0,18

lifted Amanda's coat over the barrier, and Logan managed to take the coat and also pass over a folded bill.

A gasp sounded and Amanda glanced up to see the coat check lady flush bright red.

"Thank you, sir," she said, thrusting the bill into her pocket.

Logan smiled as he shook out Amanda's coat while she put her Christmas sweater back on. When he lifted the coat over her shoulders, he lingered a bit too long over helping her into it, smoothing one hand over her back after she'd settled into the coat.

Then he grasped her elbow to steer her to the elevators.

"Was that a hundred dollar bill?" The words escaped Amanda.

He lifted his eyebrows, but she saw humor lurking around his mouth. "You don't think she deserves it?"

"Well…well…" She could only sputter. What to say? Of course the woman undoubtedly deserved the money.

She resorted to silence as they rode down in the elevator. They walked out into a crisp night speckled with lightly falling snow. The dusting emphasized Logan's broad shoulders and Amanda had to tear her gaze away from him.

She needed to be looking for a cab, anyway. Normally, she'd take the subway to save money. It wasn't late enough yet to be unsafe. But she knew if she mentioned the subway, Logan would seize the opening to insist she go with him.

"I think I'll walk up to Fifth Avenue," she said. "Some fresh air would be nice." And the cabs more plentiful. Obviously, there weren't any on this dark side street. Though a limo waited.

"Good idea." Thrusting his hands into the pockets of his wool coat, Logan fell into step alongside her. The limo crawled down the street after them.

Of course. Mentally, she smacked herself in the head. That was Logan's car, with Felipe at the wheel.

She cast it an evil glance. Now they looked ridiculous. Walking in snowy weather on a cold night, while a limo followed them.

The ballet flats she'd worn provided no grip on the slippery sidewalk. Though she concentrated on placing her feet carefully, it was inevitable that she'd hit an icy patch. When she did, Logan casually gripped her elbow, holding her firmly upright.

"Are you all right?" His head slanted down toward her and she looked up to see his gray eyes laughing at her in the light of a street lamp.

"I am perfectly capable of getting home on my own."

"I don't doubt it. But my car does look warm and comfortable, doesn't it?"

"I live way downtown in Alphabet City."

"Felipe keeps the car gassed up."

Mulishly, she kept on walking, keeping her head down to watch for ice, and her shoulders hunched to retain warmth. She hoped it was her imagination when Logan tugged her closer. Because if it was only her imagination, there was no need for her to do anything about it but to enjoy the warm heat emanating from him. To lean a bit closer to catch his male scent. Yum. Cleanliness with a touch of snow-dusted musk.

They reached the corner of Fifth and she watched the cars whizzing downtown. Every cab was occupied. If she did spot a lit-up bar, it would be highlighted by the 'Off-Duty' lights. She tried to marshal her patience. All she had to do was wait.

Like Felipe was doing with the town car, sitting at the side of the road, watching her, no doubt, with annoyance. He couldn't go home until he got Logan home.

Her feet were numb already, and she wished she'd worn a hat, or at least a scarf. She glanced at Logan, to see him fighting a smile.

"What's so damn funny?" she muttered.

"I'm just hoping a cop doesn't drive by. An ambulance might be helpful if you're determined to freeze to death, but not a cop."

She knew she'd regret asking, but the words slipped out. "Why not? We're not doing anything wrong."

"It's an interesting effect to see those red lights on your sweater flashing out from the neck of your coat. I feel like a pimp with my own mobile red light district."

"I'll take your word for it," she said sweetly. "I'm sure you know more about the business side of sex than I do."

"Touché." He had the nerve to smile at her. "I'll enjoy watching that quick mind of yours working for me."

Huffing, she stuffed her hands further into her pockets. How did he make her feel so churlish so easily? Here she was standing foolishly in the cold, waiting for a cab, when a warm car idled beside her. It was Copyright 2016 - 2024