Eclipse of the Heart - By Carly Carson Page 0,15

opened her mouth and he could see the next words were forced out of her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He passed a folder across the desk. "I've arranged for us to travel to Philly on Thursday to look at this company."

She stiffened in her seat. "I'm not sharing a suite with you."

"There's a husband and wife team with a business focusing on nutrition for kids. Fun Meals. Healthy ingredients. Things like that." He paused, allowing her a moment to absorb what he was saying. "I thought you might be interested."

She frowned as she picked up the folder. "You're interested in the nutrition business?"

"Not for myself, no. It's a narrow segment. But when the business plan crossed my desk, I thought of you." With great pleasure. He knew an opening when it was handed to him. "Why don't you look it over and we can get more details on Thursday."

"You're diabolical," she said, standing up. "Fine. I'll go to Philly. But my previous comment stands."

He watched her swish out of the room, her backside as pert as her words.

Then he picked up the phone. "Letty." He barked into the handset. "What's the story with Ms. Lockwood?"

He pulled up his emails while listening to Letty's explanation of Ms. Lockwood's continued absence. When he heard she wouldn't be back before the New Year, he had to suppress an exclamation of annoyance.

"Okay, then how did I end up with this assistant who belongs in a costume factory? Since Ms. Lockwood is out for a while, you need to find me someone else."

"Certainly, Logan. You don't wish to fire her, do you?"

"No." A lie. "You know my policy about retaining employees. But I can't have her here. She's got the outer office decorated like we're doing a Toy for Tots drive."

"Uh." Letty cleared her throat. "Actually, she has organized a gift drive. For older kids. In your name."

"In my name?" He focused on the only piece he could grab onto. "What the hell?"

"You'll have to ask her." Letty paused. "Or not. Since I'm going to reassign her." Another pause, ending with a sigh. "She's been everywhere at this point. I'll see what I can do."

"How did she end up working for me, anyway? You must know she wouldn't be able to handle my affairs."

"Ms. Lockwood specifically asked for this placement."

He laughed. "Ms. Lockwood is a robot. Why would she do a favor for Rosie?"

Letty sighed again. "Rosie is her niece."

"Shit." That put a different spin on the situation. Ms. Lockwood had served him faithfully since the day he opened his first office. She was hardworking, intelligent, discreet, and, most of all, loyal. She never asked for favors.

"Yeah." Letty drew his attention back to the conversation. "You see the problem."

"Fine. I'll try to deal with her. Damn. Shoot, sorry about all the cursing." He rubbed the back of his neck. "On another note, I just sent a new employee down to you that we discussed a couple weeks ago. Amanda Thompson."

"Ah, yes, your personal account." Letty was smart enough to keep any inflection out of her voice.

"Actually, I made a mistake." He couldn't let the office think Amanda was his mistress. "She's accepted a job as Director of Entrepreneurial Services."

"I see."

"Put her on the company payroll, but the insurance deal for her family is the same as we discussed last time."

"Got it. Logan, in case Rosie forgets to mention it, the company Christmas party is tonight."

Damn. He hated the office Christmas party. All that socializing. Women trying to flirt. Men and women angling for their next promotion. People getting drunk and hoping he'd do the same.

Until he had a brilliant thought.

"Letty, be sure you tell Ms. Thompson that attendance at the Christmas party is mandatory."

"Mandatory?" She couldn't keep the question mark out of the word.

"She needs to start meeting the other employees."

"Ah, yes." Letty paused. "Fine. I'll tell her."

They disconnected and he hit the intercom button. "Rosie."

"Yes, sir."

"I want to see you."

She appeared in the doorway immediately, as if she'd been waiting for the summons.

"Are the decorations down?"

"Not yet." She bit her lip. "I've been working on something else."

"What is this charity that I'm now supporting?" He tried to keep his tone even, but she must have realized she'd overstepped the line.

"It's very important, sir." She leaned forward with eagerness. "People enjoy buying toys for little kids at Christmas time. They forget about the older kids who don't get anything."

He thought of the junkyard outfit she'd worn yesterday. "Were you ever in that situation, Rosie?"

"Oh, no." Her Copyright 2016 - 2024