Eclipse of the Heart - By Carly Carson Page 0,14

it with lights and gleaming ornaments, complete with an angel on top?

"Yes, sir." Rosie sprang out of her chair, the Santa's hat on her head bobbing like Old Nick's belly.

"What the hell is the meaning of this?" He waved an arm to encompass the tree, the glittery red garlands curving across the windows, and, most important of all, Rosie's outfit. Red and white striped stockings? Black biker boots? Some kind of green felt jacket?

"This is a professional office," he barked. "Have Martha Stewart's elves paid us a visit?"

"It's Christmas," she said, her blue eyes wide. "I always decorate."

"This is not your home. This is a place where I try to conduct serious business."

"There's no need to be boring."

"Boring?" He stopped halfway across the large room on his way to his office. "Did you say I'm boring?"

"No, sir." She bit her lip, dropping her eyelids to cover the mulish expression in her eyes. "I thought the office was a bit boring."

"Get rid of it." He turned and strode into his office before she could say another word.

His temper hadn't cooled when Amanda appeared five minutes later. At least she was prompt. But his approval vanished when he saw her outfit. Good Lord. She wore a green tweed skirt that fell below her knees, a square-cut wool jacket that would have hidden the charms of Scarlet Johannsen, and the ugliest brown pumps he'd ever seen.

"What is it with you women? I've got the elf–" He waved a hand toward the outer office. "And now the hausfrau. I don't know which one is worse."

"I see nothing wrong with either outfit." Amanda smoothed a hand down her skirt, and his temper rose another notch. He wanted to be the one stroking her thigh.

"Why is she dressed like a freaking elf, anyway?" The display out there made him uneasy. All those toys. Ms. Lockwood arranged all his charitable endeavors, which involved attending dinners and writing checks. Nothing up close and personal.

"From what I've seen of her, I think your assistant enjoys dressing creatively."

"I think you two should exchange outfits." Now there was a brilliant idea, if he said so himself. Rosie was a good six inches shorter than Amanda. Her silver skirt would be a mini mini on Amanda, they could skip the biker boots and the jacket, and then things would be interesting. His cock saluted the idea.

"I think we should discuss the job," she answered coolly. "That is why you ordered me to appear this morning, isn't it?"

"Yes, of course." He tried to redirect his brain to the business at hand. "I'm sorry that the job offer I transmitted was not forwarded by Rosie. I'm sure you'll forgive her inability to follow directions since she does dress creatively."

Her brows snapped together at his quip, but her tone was cool. "Thank you for the offer. Are the terms the same as we discussed last time I was here?" She held his gaze, her mouth tight and her eyes cold. "Minus, of course, the inappropriate personal relationship."

"It never would have been a relationship," he clarified. He always wanted to be clear on that.

"The. Pros.ti.tu.tion. Then." She snapped off each syllable. "Better?"

"Good thing for me most women aren't so uptight," he muttered, just loudly enough so she'd hear.

"Are we in agreement?" Her tone could ice the windows out there in the enchanted village. "No sex."

"As you wish," he answered. For now.

She gripped her briefcase as if she wanted to secure it, and bolt. Then she took a deep breath, clearly reaching for calmness, and nodded. "When would you like me to start?"

"Immediately. You can go to HR when you leave here. I added you to the payroll last week."

"You were so sure I'd take the job?"

"Let's just say I was sure you'd do the right thing for your sister." Despite her legal guardianship of her sister, there weren't many companies that would have agreed to her request. She'd be bound to snap up the one that did.

"You're right," she said coolly. "I'm glad you understand my motivation."

His gaze flew to her face, and he bit back the words he wanted to say. He could withdraw the offer at any time. But that was hardly the way to begin his seduction. He drew his own deep breath. "How is your sister, by the way?"

"She's moved to Denver. They're evaluating her at the hospital now."

He nodded. "Good. I'm sure she'll get excellent care there." He had no intention of getting drawn into a discussion of her sister's problems.

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