Easy This Time - JH Croix Page 0,40

stopped her pacing, turning and lasering me with her eyes. “What do you mean you want more?”

“I don’t know exactly. But I know I don’t want this to be a one and done kind of thing with you. I don’t think you’ll argue the point with me that there’s definitely chemistry between us.”

Mari was quiet, and I could hear her soft exhalation when she shook her head. I didn’t know what passed through her mind, but she finally shrugged. “Fine, I’m going to bed. Do you need a blanket on the couch?”

“No,” I said slowly, a shaft of regret piercing me. Although I was trying to be a gentleman, I didn’t like the idea of her being on the other side of the door in a bed with me out here alone.

I couldn’t say it was easy, but I managed to fall into a restless sleep on the couch. When a noise woke me, I rolled up instantly, my eyes scanning the shadowy apartment. The security keypad still showed the door was locked, and there was nothing amiss.

It was only when my phone vibrated again that I realized security was attempting to contact me. Lifting it, I tapped my phone screen quickly. “What’s up?”

“Mr. Reynolds, you asked us to notify you if there were any concerns tonight. We had someone attempt to gain entry to the building. They reported they were visiting the tenant across the hall from Miss Channing. We’re aware the tenant is out of town.”

“Now?” I asked. A glance at my phone screen let me know it was two a.m.

“Yes, sir. Obviously, we turned them away. To clarify, they didn’t even come in the entryway. They tried to buzz in from the outside.”

I was instantly alert, my body vibrating with tension. I didn’t want to be right with my potential suspicions about Brett getting tangled up with a loan shark. I kept those concerns to myself. “Thank you for the notice. Please contact me immediately if anything else comes up.”

Just as I was setting my phone back on the coffee table beside the couch, the door to Mari’s bedroom swung open. The lamp in the corner was on, casting her in shadow from behind.

“Is everything okay?” she asked, her voice raspy from sleep.

I silently cursed that she’d heard me take the call. “Everything’s fine.”

“Who’s calling you at this hour?”


She stepped out of the bedroom. Unfortunately for me, I could see the swell of her breasts pressing against the cotton of her T-shirt.

“I doubt anyone would call you about business at this hour. What is it? Trying to hide things from me doesn’t help me stay calm,” she pressed.

I needed a serious distraction to keep me from standing from the couch, walking to her, and carting her into the bedroom. I thought perhaps being honest with her would do the trick.

“That was the lead security guy on duty tonight. I asked them to call if anything unusual blipped on the radar.”

Mari took another step into the living room, and I silently bit back a curse. The light angling through the doorway of her bedroom cast her body in silhouette through her T-shirt. It fell only halfway down her thighs, and it was all I could do not to wonder what she wore underneath. I didn’t need my eyes to linger on the lush curves of her hips and the way her waist dipped in only to lift higher to her breasts. My cock was rock hard in a second.

Mari had insisted on getting me a blanket and pillow, so I’d shucked off my slacks and was only wearing my boxers and a T-shirt. I tucked the blanket over my waist.

“What were they calling about?” she prompted.

“Someone attempted to pay a visit to the apartment across the hallway from this one. They even gave the name of the tenant there. However, the tenant happens to be out of town.”

I heard the soft gasp escape from Mari’s lips and instantly regretted being that direct.

She closed the distance between us just as I started to stand. She sat down beside me, her hands clasped together over her knees. “Do they know who it was?”

My protective instincts kicked into high gear. I slid an arm around her shoulders, hating how stiffly she held herself. “They didn’t give their names, but our cameras will have everything. I’m sure my security team is already running it through the database to identify who they were. Your brother set up this whole system, or rather his

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