Easy This Time - JH Croix Page 0,39

that couldn’t forget the intensely sexy and hot as hell moment in the bar with Nash. I wanted to forget all of this. I knew I could forget it in the heat of raw desire.

“Mari?” Nash prompted.

Lifting my eyes, I searched his and saw the rapid beat of his pulse along the strong column of his neck. “Okay.”

“Okay, what?”

“You stay here tonight. Then, I guess either you keep staying here, or we go to your place. Which option is safer?”

“My place.”

“How come?”

“Because I’m the only person who lives there. We have security on site here, and the building is monitored, but other people live here. The residential section has thirty condos. Security fields any number of people coming in to see other people living here. No matter how you slice it, there are more contingencies to manage here.”

“Okay. We’ll go to your place tomorrow.”

Nash stared at me, almost as if he wasn’t sure I meant it.

“Are you surprised I gave in that easily?” I was trying to tease, anything to distract me from my jittery state.

After a beat, he lifted his shoulder in a light shrug. “I suppose I am.”

As we sat there in the quiet, it felt as if the air began to warm with little sparks bouncing between us. I needed Nash. My confusing, not-so-smart lust for him, could serve more than one purpose. I could slake my need and lose myself in his strength and the security I felt in his arms.

We weren’t sitting very far apart, and I leaned forward, trailing my fingertip along the edge of his jaw. The feel of his slight stubble prickling on my skin was a tiny sensation bouncing into others, like atoms colliding, each explosion multiplying from the last.

“What are you doing, Mari?” Nash nearly growled.

“You’re the one who got me all hot and bothered back at the bar. Now you’re here, and apparently, you’re spending the night.”

I couldn’t believe how bold I was with him, yet everything seemed to come easy with Nash. Although my nerves were on fire, he was my touchstone in the midst of the tumult stirring me up inside.

Chapter 17


Looking into Mari’s eyes, I knew my desire for her was reflected in mine. Electric need pulsed through my body, and my hands literally itched to reach for her.

Yet, I was wrestling with a belated sense of honor. Yes, I’d been the one who couldn’t resist touching her and tasting her in the bar. But now, I knew she was riled up inside. A mingled sense of fear and restlessness was palpable as it emanated from her.

Of course, I also just got off the phone with her older brother. While we might not be best friends, I definitely considered him a friend and trusted business partner. Although Max had asked me directly to stay with Mari so she wasn’t alone, I sincerely doubted he meant for me to fuck his little sister.

I managed a breath and caught her hand in mine. “Maybe that was a mistake.” Touching Mari was not exactly helpful for the state of my body. I managed a slow breath and shackled my need. “Not now.”

Mari’s eyes narrowed. “Not now, what?”

I closed my eyes for a moment, doing my damnedest to get my shit together inside. Opening them, I saw anger flashing in hers. It didn’t help me to contemplate how passionate she was by nature.

“I know I started something earlier, but I don’t think tonight is the night to let things go further. You’re scared, and—I can’t believe I’m saying this—I promised your brother I’d make sure you stayed safe. I seriously don’t think he would appreciate me taking advantage of that situation.”

Mari yanked her hand free from mine and pushed her stool back abruptly as she stood, once again pacing the room. “Great, now you’re bringing my brother into this? This isn’t about you taking advantage of me. Plus, you’re the one who took things that direction earlier. Your sense of honor is a little late.”

She had a point. I rolled my head from side to side, trying to lessen the tension gathering. Meeting her eyes, I told the plain truth. “Yes, I took things to another level earlier, and I won’t lie. I want more, much more with you. I don’t want this to go further just because you’re feeling unsettled and reckless. I know your brother is not your keeper. That said, I just got off the phone with him moments ago, so forgive me for having a conscience.”


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