Easy This Time - JH Croix Page 0,25

midst of my emotional confusion, it was that I didn’t trust Brett. I firmly knew I didn’t want to revisit anything with him. We were over, and I should’ve recognized it sooner.

When I looked back on when he asked me about coming on this trip, I should never have agreed. He’d been distant and sporadically in touch for the last few months or more. I hadn’t even particularly missed him. I thought perhaps it was just my own not-so-great self-esteem around relationships and the sting to my pride. As if those two things alone weren’t enough, if I was honest with myself, it was my pride that drove me to prove Max wrong that really made a mess of it all

Love or not, that was a funny thing about brothers. You didn’t want them to be right. Hell no.

Uncomfortably aware that Brett somehow knew I was in this building, I checked the security panel by the door before getting ready for bed. Once I’d taken care of washing my face and brushing my teeth, I laid down. I was comfortably propped up on the pillows and scrolling through my e-reader to find a book to read when my phone vibrated on the nightstand beside the bed. Lifting it, I saw a text from Nash.

I had the security team run a check on all the systems for the building. Everything is locked down. Don’t forget there’s a security guard there all night handling the door. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call him. I’m forwarding you his direct number. If anything happens, please call me.

Immediately following that text, Nash forwarded the number for the security guard. I set my phone back on the table and smiled slowly as a sense of warmth spun around my heart. I didn’t know what to think about my response to Nash. He was going out of his way for me, and I truly did appreciate it. Lifting my phone again, I typed out a quick reply.

Thank you. I appreciate everything you’re doing. See you tomorrow.

I was enjoying a cup of coffee with a bagel and some cream cheese while I researched local inns for my story. Considering I could now pay Gabby for my stay at Inn Boudreaux, I needed to start there. Pulling up her contact information in my phone, I called.

“Good morning, Inn Boudreaux.”

I thought this was Gabby’s voice, but I wasn’t one hundred percent sure. “Good morning. I’m hoping to speak with Gabby Boudreaux.”

“You found her. This is Gabby. How can I help you?”

“Hi Gabby, it’s Mari Channing.”

“Oh, hey, Mari! So good to hear from you. How are you?”

“I’m doing much better than when we last spoke. I’d like to pay you for my stay. I’d also like to follow-up and see if I could stop by for a piece I’m doing on local inns in the area.”

“You could stop by no matter what, but I would never turn down free publicity,” Gabby replied. I could hear the smile in her voice, and it eased the thread of tension inside. Despite her graciousness about the situation, I’d been worried about the bill.

“Perfect. Seeing as I’ve already stayed there, I would give it nothing less than five stars. I’d love to chat about the history of the area and need to get a few photographs if that’s all right.”

Gabby and I chatted for a few more minutes, and I took care of the bill over her protestations. She only reluctantly agreed after I explained it just didn’t feel right for me to let it slide.

“So, you’ll be in the area for a while though?” she asked.

“At least for a week.”

I explained my assignment, and she offered to give me a list of recommendations for other inns nearby. Because Gabby was by nature a generous person, I imagined she often recommended other places she respected. She didn’t seem short on business and was one of the all-boats-lift-each-other types of people.

“Where are you staying while you’re here? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“To make a long story short, I’m staying in one of the staff condos through Nash Reynolds. He knows my older brother through business.”

“Oh, that’s great. Nash is a nice guy. So easy on the eyes too,” she teased. “Considering how much real estate he owns in New Orleans, I’m sure he’s got plenty of options for you. Please do give Nash my best.”

“Of course I will.”

We firmed up when I would stop by for photographs. I got off the phone feeling

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