Easy This Time - JH Croix Page 0,24


Without a single conscious thought passing through my mind, I dipped my head and brushed my lips over hers.

Chapter 10


The feel of Nash’s lips on mine sent flames licking through my body. I sighed against his mouth and pressed closer. I craved the feel of his strength and warmth encompassing me. He murmured something against my lips, and I slipped my hand around his nape, my fingers teasing along the edge of his collar.

With a muttered imprecation, Nash’s hand slid down my back, and his tongue swept inside my mouth as he angled his head to the side. In a matter of seconds, I was swept into our kiss—the sensual glide of his tongue against mine, the way he held me strong and sure in his grip.

Just as the fierce fire was pulling me in, Nash drew back swiftly. A moan of protest slipped out. I wanted to yank him back, but he broke away entirely and took a few steps away.

“Fuck,” he muttered as he ran a hand roughly through his hair and stuffed the other in his pocket. Turning away, he stared out the windows for a moment. When he looked back toward me, his eyes were dark. “I promised myself I wasn’t going to do that.”


Argh! I hated how much I wanted to know. Why couldn’t I play this cool and simply dismiss him?

“Because I respect you, and your brother—”

“Oh my God! Don’t you dare tell me you mentioned our kiss before to Max.”

Nash shook his head sharply. “If you’d let me finish my sentence, you would’ve heard that it’s just that I respect your brother, and I don’t think he would appreciate me doing this. Not now, not after what just happened to you.”

“Max has no say in my sex life,” I said, my voice coming out with a high pitch.

Nash eyed me with trepidation. “Mari, I’m not saying your brother should have a say in this. It’s that, well, you just came out of a relationship. Max might think I’m taking advantage. Not to mention, I don’t want to be your rebound.”

Anger laced through me, tangling up with the tumult of desire still humming in my veins. “You’re not a rebound,” I murmured. “Like I told you, Brett and I were practically broken up.” Again and again, I wondered why the hell I said yes when Brett called and asked me about this trip. Maybe it was my pride, maybe it was me wishing there was something more for me with anyone, and Brett happened to be convenient.

“That’s not my point,” Nash said.

We stared at each other, and the air felt charged around us. After a long moment, Nash took a step closer. “I didn’t expect this, but whatever happens between us, I don’t want you to think it’s just a quick thing for me. I’ll see you tomorrow. Let me take you to lunch or dinner.”

“Shouldn’t you be at work tomorrow?” I was being stubborn, and I knew it, but whatever.

“If I feel like taking time off, I will. See you tomorrow. I’ll be in touch about when.” At that, Nash bent low once more and brushed a brief kiss across my lips. It felt as if I’d literally been shocked as the electricity spun through my system when he stepped away.

“Good night, Mari,” he said when he reached the door.

Flustered, hot, and frustrated, I simply nodded. I sensed the beat of hesitation in him, but he moved decisively after a moment. The door shut behind him, and I heard the lock automatically click.

As soon as Nash was out of my sight, doubts and recrimination began to crowd my thoughts. I felt so foolish. Here I was, craving Nash’s attention and touch. I didn’t doubt he was attracted to me, but I shouldn’t have let myself read any more than that into it. He was right. Well, except for caring about my brother’s opinion.

I loved Max, but it was my stubborn reaction to his dismissive opinion on Brett that probably contributed to me staying in that stupid relationship—if I could even call it that—longer than I should’ve. If I ever doubted whether Brett was using me, his recent actions had made that abundantly clear.

The moment my thoughts tripped over Brett, a sense of unease rippled through me, and my gut churned with anxiety. I didn’t understand how he’d tracked me down here. I certainly didn’t understand why he would think we could talk this through somehow.

If there was one piece of sanity in the

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