On Dublin Street The Bonus Material - Samantha Young Page 0,38

into him at the same time her fingers dug into his back. She let out that low, husky moan of hers and Nate was lost.

He kissed her hard, falling deeply into the taste and feel of her. He was a little rough, desperate even to push away all the complicated, annoying emotions that had been trying to fuck this up for them at the weekend.

Liv’s white blouse was in the way of his efforts to make them both forget. He tugged at the collar, ripping it open, buttons flying everywhere. She gasped but didn’t admonish him, shrugging out of the shirt so he could attack her bra next.

Skirt and panties flew behind him and as he shoved her gently toward the bedroom he jerked out of his own clothes. Naked he pushed her down on the bed and started kissing every inch of her beautiful olive skin.

It still blew him away that Olivia had had no idea how sexy she was. He’d actually never met a woman as gorgeous as she was with so many insecurities.

And he had to admit to himself, as he sucked on one very delectable nipple, his cock throbbing when Liv panted in response, he felt smug that it was him that unleashed her sexual appetite.

All she had to give in that very moment, all that beauty, all her kindness, her humor, all her lust, was for him.

Something crept into his chest, aching and warm, and he found himself reaching desperately for her lips. The kiss was slow, sweet, and his hands caressed every inch of her, committing her to memory. She raised her hips in invitation.

He answered the invite, guiding his dick into the slick, snug heat of her. Fuck, she felt amazing. She always feels amazing.

Her lips parted on an excited gasp, her lids lowering over her eyes.

Those stunning golden eyes were in his top five favorite things about her. “Don’t. Look at me. Give me those eyes,” he found himself demanding, gripping her thigh up so he could thrust into her at a deeper, more satisfying angle. His fingers tightened on her and he felt this overwhelming wave of possessiveness crash over him as she stared up at him in tenderness.

Moving slowly in and out of her, the knowledge that she was his grew from a seed to take root and cling onto him with a fierceness that heightened his arousal. There was nothing better. Nowhere better than being here with Liv. Nothing had ever felt more like home.

I could spend my whole life here… looking into those eyes.

Her inner muscles clenched around him as she cried out in climax with tears shimmering in her gaze. That and the pulsing of her sex around his cock was more than he could take—his release floored him. His hips shuddered against hers as he came harder than he ever remembered coming…

…However… once the haze of deep satisfaction lifted, Nate was instantly seized with panic.

Everything he felt for Liv… no, it was too much, too overwhelming.

He couldn’t feel that way.

Not after Alana.

The whole mood of the moment was flipped on its head.

Needing to get away and as fast as possible, he pulled out of Liv, rolling away from her without meeting her eyes. He couldn’t look at her.

He couldn’t…



Discarding the used condom in her bin, Nate quickly hurried into his jeans.

“You’re not staying?” Liv asked, sounding small.

He felt sick. Fingers shaking he reached for his shirt and shrugged it on without answering. How the hell... why… how…

Dragging a hand down his face, Nate braced himself to say what needed to be said. Reluctantly, he met her gaze. “I’m ending this, Liv. I can’t do it anymore.”

The pain in her eyes made him feel about two inches tall. “You—” she shook her head in confusion. “You make love to me and then… end it?”

Love? Love!

Fear turned to anger. To desperation. “That’s why. Make love to you? That was never what this was about.”

He was never going back there. She knew that.

But as he watched her angrily throw herself out of bed to pull on a nightshirt Nate stood frozen in confusion. Why was she reacting this badly? This was always going to end between them, they both knew that. “Why did you come here tonight? If you were going to end it?”

“Because I wasn’t sure it needed to be ended… but after that…” he trailed off, remembering with horror now how lost he’d felt as he moved inside her. Lost but so un-fucking-believably found.

How the hell had

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