On Dublin Street The Bonus Material - Samantha Young Page 0,32

dad listens to him. I think Uncle Mick would be mad if he knew dad hit me. I didn’t tell him because I was scared but I’ve got Cole now. I’ll have to tell Uncle Mick if dad tries to hit Cole. I don’t care what dad does to me for tattling on him.

All that matters is Cole.

Mum’s pretty rubbish at being a mum. But I think I can be a good sister. Dad says I’m rubbish at everything. That I’m useless.

I’ll try to be better for Cole though.


Nate’s POV - The Request


Nate felt impatient as he sat with his friends in Club 39. Joss and Jo used to work at the bar on George Street, so although it was a wee bit up its own arse for Nate’s taste, he didn’t really care where they hung out as long as there was alcohol and good company.

That night, however, his usual ease was replaced by anticipation.

He was waiting on one of his best buds. Olivia.

When she first confessed the depth of her insecurities, Nate was surprised. Not shocked, because Olivia had never pretended to be an overly confident sex kitten. But if someone had told him that Liv looked in the mirror and saw what she saw, it would have fucking floored him.

It did floor him.

In Liv Nate found the perfect woman. She was hilarious—like seriously made him laugh more than any other person on the planet—and sweet but with edge. She was kind, loyal, adorable and pretty fucking loveable really. Problem was Liv was also sexy. And the fact that she didn’t realize she was sexy made her this complicated mix of cute and sexy which was really quite disarming, he’d realized.

All of this relegated Liv to ‘off limits’. To be fair Nate had relegated her to ‘off limits’ the moment they met. If she hadn’t been Jo’s pseudo cousin and a permanent fixture in his mate Cole’s life, Nate would have taken one look into those exotic golden brown eyes of Liv’s, felt her smile tug at his cock, and then proceeded to seduce her into his bed for a weekend marathon of no frills sex.

But Liv was a permanent fixture which put her in the friend zone.

Then she well and truly put herself in the friend zone by insinuating herself into his affections.

Adding sex to those affections would lead to bad places.

But the affection couldn’t be ignored. Nate cared about Olivia. A fuck of a lot. Which meant he hated how down on herself she was. He hated that she felt lonely. He hated that she didn’t feel wanted. So it had become his particular mission in life to get her confidence levels up so she could go after this Benjamin guy she had a crush on.

That included a shopping trip for a sexy new outfit that would have been funny if she hadn’t surprised him once again by being all sassy and shit and maneuvering him into paying for her stuff in retaliation for him smacking her arse.

When she threw him that wicked smile, leaving him no choice but to pay he felt a dangerous rush of blood to his cock. She needed to stop that shit.

“You seem quiet, Nate,” Jo said loudly over the music.

He flashed her a dimpled smile before taking a drag of his beer.

She rolled her eyes at Ellie. “I’ll take that to mean his quietness is none of my business.”

“I’d say I’m happy to make it your business but your fiancé might clock me one.”

Everyone but Cam laughed. His friend smirked but there was still a hint of warning in it.

Fuck me, Nate thought, shoot me before I ever get that possessive over a woman.

Suddenly Cam, Jo and Ellie turned to look at something and his and Adam’s eyes quickly followed suit to see what had caught their attention.

And there she was. Liv. Looking a million times hotter in the outfit they’d picked out than he’d even imagined.

Blood shot southwards as his eyes travelled down the form-fitting outfit to the high blue heels she wore. Those legs. Shit, those legs. Even before he reluctantly agreed to offer her help in learning to flirt, Nate had been fascinated by Liv’s legs. There were more than a few times they’d been lounging around watching TV, and she was wearing those tight yoga trouser thingies or a pair of pajama shorts. Her legs had inspired many a fantasy of them wrapped around his back while he fucked her.

This didn’t bother Nate too

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