Dread Nemesis of Mine - By John Corwin Page 0,45

spell to mask their presence."

The other woman leaned against the stone wall of the tool shed. "You think someone on Christian's advisory council betrayed us." Her eyes hardened. "But of course you believe your father's council is blameless."

"That's because I know how my father operates."

"And because you think nobody in your legion could possibly betray you, right?" Sarcasm dripped from her words.

"Absolutely not." Elyssa slashed a hand through the air. "My father's advisory council consists of my brother, Michael, when he's around, and my mother. He hardly tells them anything. Most of the time he keeps his plans close to his chest and springs them at the last moment."

"And you think he told Christian his plans to come down here in advance?"

"He must have. Christian wouldn't appreciate another commander popping in unannounced, especially when he wants to convince him to start a joint military operation against the vampires. That requires a lot of planning."

Fausta held up a hand. "Fine, fine. Your father is paranoid. Assuming this is true, we can concentrate on Christian's council."

"Has he had problems with other operations?"

"Problems, yes. But I wouldn't point to a traitor as the cause for those problems."

Elyssa pursed her lips. "Hmm, so nothing stands out to you?"


Elyssa had hoped to discount Beck as a traitor, but if this was the first disaster Fausta could point to as the possible product of betrayal, her question might have done the opposite and pointed to him as the likeliest candidate for a good ass-kicking. Beck had sold them out to Thomas Borathen after they'd captured Vadaemos, all so he could earn a few brownie points, no doubt. That had led to a duel between Thomas and Justin. Then Daelissa had shown up and freed Vadaemos. The demon spawn had killed several Templars, including her brother, Jack, that night. Her chest tightened. What if Beck hadn't called her father to win favor, but to start a fight so Vadaemos could escape?

His actions had led to chaos. Or would Daelissa have shown up anyway? Elyssa couldn't say. She conveyed her suspicions to Fausta.

The Italian woman arched an eyebrow. "Beck is a culo, sure, but I don't think he would betray us."

"What if he resents my father for sending his family away from Atlanta?"

"For kissing you?" Fausta snorted. "So your father is paranoid and overprotective. Are you sure he's fit for duty?"

Elyssa held back an angry retort. "Okay, fine. If it's not Beck, who else is on the council?"

"Lieutenants Jean-Claude Ville, Gigi Martinez, and Ludovico Maracci."

"Three people?" The task ahead seemed even harder, especially given the time limit involved.

Fausta shook her head. "Ludovico died in the ambush, so I sincerely doubt he was involved."

"Definitely dead and not disappeared?"

"I saw his body. It was him."

"We need to question the other two. Check their stories."

"What makes you think they'll help?"

Fausta had a point. These people might give Elyssa the time of day simply because of her last name. But if she started questioning them about treachery, they'd boot her out and probably complain to Christian and Thomas as well.

"The wheels are spinning," Fausta said. "Who are you going to beat up first?"

"This isn't time to be joking," Elyssa said. "In case you don't remember, we're supposed to be attacking Maximus tomorrow. What if he already knows we're coming?"

A curse escaped Fausta's lips, and her face sobered. "Come on." She motioned for Elyssa to follow.

"Where are we going?"

"We have no time for, how do you Americans say it—pussy-jumping around."

Elyssa chuckled. "I think you mean pussy-footing." She jogged to catch up to Fausta. "Who are we going to first?"

"We don't have time for games, so we're going to be direct." Fausta looked back over her shoulder and smiled. "We'll break into their rooms and search them."

Bella walked around the corner and Fausta nearly plowed right over her.

"Goodness!" said the short Arcane. "What…" She looked from Fausta to Elyssa and back again. "Oh. Something really bad must be happening for you two to be taking a walk together." She smiled and rubbed her hands together. "Where are we going? Are we going to rough anybody up?"

"No way," Fausta said, shaking her head. "We'll attract too much attention with so many people."

Elyssa pursed her lips and regarded Bella. Thought about how she'd hotwired cars in seconds. "I think she'll be perfect for what we have in mind. Think about it—who'd be better at opening locks than an Arcane?"

"Oh yes, I'm an old hand at larceny," Bella said. "During my younger years I excelled at breaking

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