Dread Nemesis of Mine - By John Corwin Page 0,44

opponent's kick as a springboard, launching her straight up. Twisting in midair, she slammed the side of his face with a brutal kick. Landed lightly on her feet. Danced back.

The big man staggered back a foot, grabbing his jaw.

Elyssa bared her teeth. "Come get me, traitor."

"Oh dear," Phissilinth said. "Perhaps you should—"

Underborn laughed. "And spoil the fun?"

The big man's fists tightened. He straightened and stared at the assassin. "Get your own key, Sorenson," he said in an unnaturally deep voice, one which Elyssa knew to be magically altered.

But he could talk like a midget for all she cared. She knew who he was now. And her heart ached.

Another laugh erupted from the assassin. "Why do I need to retrieve that which I already possess?" He pulled another key from his pocket.

Elyssa looked at the skeleton key in her hand. "You're lying."

Underborn shut the door to the tool shed. Put the key in the lock and twisted. The door opened to a grassy glade. Birds twittered and butterflies danced in the sunlight. He shut the door. Opened it again. The hallway once again presented itself.

"The key you possess opens a footlocker in my bedroom." Underborn smiled. "I knew you couldn't resist."

His brawny companion cracked his knuckles and said, "Enough with the games, Underborn." He turned to Elyssa. "I know how you must feel now, but I'm doing this for the greater good. I'm not a traitor, no matter what you think."

"Just get the hell out of here." Elyssa's throat was raw with anger and grief. How could he go over to this man, this evil, psycho killer? "The next time I see you, I'll break your jaw."

Underborn and Phissilinth stepped through the doorway. The big man hesitated at the threshold. "You can try, Ninjette." He closed the door behind him, leaving Elyssa alone in the dark.

She sank to her knees and let the tears flow. So many emotions assaulted her at once—hope, fear, anger, betrayal—she hardly knew what she was feeling. He had to have his reasons. He couldn't be a traitor. He'd helped her before, tried to help her escape her father when he'd wanted to make her take the White. She took deep breaths to banish the tears. He had to have a reason for this.

Think logically, damn it!

The jumble of emotions cleared and her breathing eased. Now she felt foolish. What if she'd blown his cover? What if he was working against Underborn and now she'd exposed him? She jerked to her feet.

No, Underborn knew who he was. It should come as no surprise whatsoever that he would use Michael, her own brother, against her. Until she had time to dig deeper, she had to remain focused on the task at hand.

Gripping the key, she cocked her arm back to throw it over the wall surrounding the Templar compound.

"What are you doing back here?" Fausta said.

Elyssa jerked and looked at the other woman. "Thinking."

"Haven't you heard? We're not supposed to do that. That's what the commanders are for." Fausta wrinkled her nose. "I do not like this plan of attack. Stealth squads? Your father is wrong. Dead wrong. It's the stupidest plan ever."

"For once, we agree," Elyssa said slipping the key into her pocket. She regarded the strong-nosed woman for a moment. They'd only met recently, but Elyssa had been through hell and back with her in Justin's quest to apprehend Vadaemos. Finding the traitor in their midst would require help, and Fausta might have inside knowledge of Christian's organization.

"There's something more going on with you," Fausta said. "I can see it in your eyes."

The Italian woman was nothing, if not blunt, and Elyssa didn't have time to be anything but straightforward. "I need a list of anyone who'd know about our arrival yesterday."

"Practically everyone in the compound."

"Yes, but how long before we arrived did they know?"

Fausta shrugged. "Christian announced the motor pool duties only half an hour before, so probably around that time."

"How far in advance did Christian know about our arrival?"

"I wouldn't know. Beck might." Her eyes narrowed. "Wait a minute. You think someone set us up?"

Elyssa folded her arms. "Don't you?"

Fausta tapped her chin. "Things happened so fast, I really didn't give it much thought. Christian said Maximus has been watching La Casona. I'm sure he has eyes everywhere."

"Yeah, but would he assign a vampire army complete with scroll casters to watch the place? No way. You can't hide that many vampires for a long time, especially raw recruits. I think they used a scroll

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