The Dragon's Fate - Roxie Ray Page 0,42

my heart was near to bursting. I went straight for clan lands and parked on Anthony’s property to shift.

I hadn’t expected Hayden. All that she was and the way she just made me want to protect her, to love her, to be everything she could need.

Kids, who knew they would affect me so easily? So deeply. How in the hell was my father able to look at his children and walk away from them?

The thought made my chest burn something fierce. Even after all these years, it hurt. Not just for me but for my brother.

Hayden wasn’t even mine, but I couldn’t imagine walking away from her and hurting her that way. It was a revelation I didn’t expect to feel, or at least not so soon. I’d gotten attached quickly.

After a long flight under cover of the dark, I returned home and was surprised to find Sammy sitting in my living room. She’d been MIA for a while, and she looked damn tired.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

She waved off my concern. “It’s just the shift of the retrograde. It’s bouncing off my magic and making me angsty.”

I didn’t know what in the world that meant, but I knew better than to ask.

“So, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

She grinned. “I can’t stop by to see a friend?”

I raised a brow, which made her laugh and relax a little.

At least she was resting now. I didn’t know what she’d been doing, but she needed a break. It couldn’t have been easy being a clan’s witch, especially with the unknown amount of power that Sammy possessed.

“Take a seat. Lots to talk about.” She shifted around and got more comfortable on my couch. “I have to tell you something. I made a necklace for Hayden.”

I raised my eyebrows. “I’m sure she’ll love that. I noticed she was wearing one today.”

“A dragon?” Sammy asked.

I narrowed my eyes and nodded.

“That’s the one I made her. I had a vision of Damon, but it was shrouded. Unclear, but it was enough for me to know the kid needed some extra protection.”

Her news put me on edge and angered me, both because Sammy hadn’t told me yet, and because that meant Bri’s asshole ex wasn’t out of the picture.

She held up her hands. “I didn’t want to say anything until it was clearer to me, but I gave the necklace to Hayden as a precaution. The vision grew clearer today. That’s why I’m here now. Damon is coming for Hayden.”

My dragon thrashed inside me as rage spiked.

“Now, calm down. I’m here and not there protecting her because he’s coming for her legally. I sense some evil spirits around him, helping him build a case to try and get custody of Hayden. Bri is going to need you, because it may get ugly. You’ve got to be strong enough and ready to take that on.”

“I’m not going anywhere, and I have absolutely no intention of letting anyone take Hayden away from her mother.”

Sammy smiled and her eyes closed for a moment as if she was lost in thought. When she opened her eyes again, she looked relieved.

“My visions are incredibly tricky. One simple act or decision can shift an entire vision’s ending.” She patted me on the shoulder. “You’re doing the right thing. Try not to worry.” She then tilted her head and grunted, staring off at my living room wall.

“What’s that noise about?”

She jerked her gaze toward me. “Isn’t it funny how people enter our lives when we least expect it?”

I gave her a confused look. I didn’t know if I was supposed to understand what that meant.

She smiled and patted my arm again. “Tell Porter to stick around. You’re going to need him, and I have a feeling that he needs to be here as well.”

I didn't have the first clue how to approach the situation with Damon to Bri. It wasn’t like I could just pop up and say my clan’s witch told me Briana’s ex-husband was coming to try and take her kid. So instead, I called my newfound brother up the next afternoon to see if he had time to meet me. Porter readily agreed to come over to my place for lunch.

When he arrived, I told him everything I knew about Damon, then what Sammy had told me.

Porter nodded. “I had this funny feeling there was more reason for me to be there than to just meet you, but I couldn’t explain it. Meeting you was big enough, but I Copyright 2016 - 2024