The Dragon's Fate - Roxie Ray Page 0,41

eyebrows at her to let her know I had her number. I liked having her as a friend but not if she was going to be catty.

Lisa’s face turned bright red as I whispered, and she refrained from saying anything else.

Eventually, the girls ran out of tokens and descended on the pizza buffet. I served them cake and then Hayden opened her presents, which nearly succeeded in giving me a headache from all the girly squeals when she opened play makeup, dolls, and crafts.

And then it was time to go home. Thank the birthday party gods. Hayden cashed in her winnings, and I wasn’t surprised by how many tickets she and Jace had accumulated. They made quite a good prize-winning team.

They high-fived each other, and I had to remind my heart not to get attached. It was too soon to be feeling all this affection. But when Jace looked at me and then winked with this look of joy on his face. Damn it. It was too late. I wasn’t in the big L range, but I was pretty damn fond of the man, and it was becoming more obvious to me that I wanted to pursue that emotion.

With my car full of our stuff plus all her birthday goodies, we headed to my apartment. Hayden was exhausted. “Mom, I wanted to sleep with Popo.” Her voice was whiny, but I didn’t fuss, because she so rarely whined. Some of my sixth graders whined more in one class period than Hayden did in a week.

“I’m sorry, sweetie, but with all our stuff, Popo wouldn’t fit in here.” She frowned but didn’t press it. Since she dropped it, I threw her a bone. “We’ll go get him first thing tomorrow, okay?”

She nodded and unbuckled her seatbelt. Jace had followed us home. “What’s the long face?” he asked when he spotted Hayden.

“She wanted to sleep with Popo,” I explained.

“I see.” He nodded and started grabbing bags to carry inside.

“Go get ready for bed,” I told Hayden. “We’ll carry this stuff in.”

Before she headed upstairs for her nightly routine, she surprised both of us by running to hug Jace. He looked at me with an expression of shock and heavy emotions.

“Thank you for coming to my birthday,” she said in her high-pitched, sweet voice.

Jace hugged her back. “It was the best time I’ve had in a long time.”

Hayden beamed up at him. “Goodnight!” she chirped before rushing up the stairs.

Jace and I stared at each other for a long moment. Something was happening between us that I couldn’t explain. My heart physically felt like it was being pulled towards him.

Jace walked close to me. “What are you feeling?” he whispered as he cupped my cheeks. It was like he somehow knew or felt it too.

I shook my head, because how could I explain a tugging sensation in my chest that stopped when he walked close?

He didn’t press me for a response. Instead, he just kissed my forehead.

“Whatever that feeling is, stick with it. It’s just the beginning.”

I hugged him with my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat for a few moments. Though the desire to take him upstairs with me was strong, this connection we were forming was even better.

When he pulled back, he smiled. “Thank you for allowing me to tag along. Lock up tight.”

As he walked out the door, I had the strongest urge to ask him to stay.

I got Hayden settled and as I was reading her a story, about a half-hour later, the doorbell rang. My heart froze. We’d nearly gotten through her birthday without hearing from Damon. Was this it?

“Stay here,” I whispered, trying not to let her sense my fear. “Be right back.”

I opened the hall closet and put my finger on the fingerprint sensor on the small gun safe. There were three in the house that would only open for my hand or my father’s. One here, one in the living room closet, and one in my bedroom nightstand. It was the only way I allowed them in the house.

Gripping my nine tightly, I checked the peephole, but nobody was out there. Then, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Holding the gun with one hand, I checked my phone to find a text from Jace.

Left a surprise outside your door. Lock up as soon as you get her in!

Grinning, I put the safety back on the gun and opened the door.

Popo tumbled inside.

That man. That wonderful man.



By the time I dropped Popo off, Copyright 2016 - 2024