The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,66

to agree on what it was about. Both of us were busy— myself with the Phantom and Emma with gods knew what. We’d been pushing off starting on it when we should’ve begun weeks ago, and the due date was two weeks away. We needed to start now.

I was able to calm down on the way back to the university. I didn’t want Emma to see me like this, and what was done was done. Might as well put it behind us.

I arrived late to Malovian Diplomacy and finished up the rest of the class, though I could barely keep my head on straight. I was too bothered about what my mother had said to me— and honestly, in a hurry to get back to Emma. I raced to the Conservatory the minute my class was dismissed.

Emma looked incredible today. She was sitting on the side of the fountain inside the Conservatory. She had on a thick dress that looked like a knitted sweater, with a gray jacket and matching boots. She was also wearing woolen socks that went all the way up to her thighs.

Those damn socks again. I had a major problem with them. My dick jerked in my pants when I saw them rising up under her skirt.

Emma turned her head and caught me staring. A sly smile crept across her face when she noticed my gaze on her thighs.

“Like what you see?” she asked. She’d known what I’d been doing.

I tried and failed to save my pride and said, “Only appreciating your outfit.”

She wiggled her eyebrows. “Or maybe what’s underneath it.”

I felt warmth creep over my face, but I extended a hand to her instead and offered, “A prince’s thoughts could never be so uncouth.”

She scoffed. “More like you could never admit them.”

I wasn’t going to let her win, but at the same time, this banter was one I would lose. I redirected the conversation and said, “We don’t have much time for games. If we don’t decide on a research topic for Faction Abilities, we’re going to fail.”

She snickered. “We have plenty of time to research this mating connection.”

“Emma,” I scolded, but I couldn’t help it. My chest grew warm.

She tapped her chin, her tone becoming serious. “Can it be about anything?”

“Anything pertaining to Arcanean magic. It doesn’t have to specifically be wolven.” I sighed. “Though Professor Lunesta is tough. She doesn’t like it when students repeat topics. Anything that someone has done before gets a subpar grade. We need to come up with something new.”

“Hm...” Emma’s eyes brightened. “The border wall around Malovia— the one that keeps letting out monsters. Has that been faulty for a long time?”

“No.” I tilted my head. “It’s a relatively new problem.”

“So what if we investigate the border wall?” Emma asked. “We could go there and look for clues as to what’s breaking it down, or who— most importantly, why.”

I mused. “That might be a good idea. A clever way to hide our investigation. I say we go for it.”

“What part of the border wall do we start with?” she asked. “It’s miles long.”

My mind crossed to where I’d just been a few days ago. “The west. I know the wall is weak there.”

Emma said nothing more, but her gaze narrowed. She was wondering how I knew, I was sure.

We began walking through the Conservatory. There was an exit on the other side that led to the courtyard, where we could leave through the west side of campus. This time of year, the Conservatory was blooming with all kinds of poinsettias, roses, and magical ferns. Emma ran her fingers over a tree that had a twisting trunk with purple flowers growing in the leaves, the petals humming and twirling as we passed.

“By the way,” I began. “You don’t have to keep avoiding me. I know you’re worried about my mother, but you shouldn’t be concerned. I took care of her.”

Emma went red. “What? Ethan, what did you do?”

“I heard about your confrontation. I wish you would’ve told me yourself instead of me having to find out from Alexei,” I said sternly.

Emma bit her lip. “No girl wants to talk bad about her mother-in-law to her mate. I don’t want to make you feel like you’re stuck in the middle.”

“You think I’m going to take her side instead of yours? Please, Emma.” I huffed. “I know my mother, and by far, she is no saint. What she did to you was deplorable.”

Emma twisted a red strand around her finger. “So... Copyright 2016 - 2024