The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,65

big enough at this table to stop me. “Take some deep breaths, princey.”

Gods, I was seeing red. I wanted to explode into my fur. I needed to get out of here, before I caused a scene. I shoved away from the table and walked away. “I’ll be back.”

“And where are you going?” Theo called. Stefan groaned.

“To take care of the problem.” I was supposed to attend Malovian Diplomacy in an hour, but I would skip.

I needed to have a talk with my mother.

My mother was having tea with Lady Iris when I stormed into the palace. The grand parlor went silent as I walked in. My mother’s lips tightened as she witnessed my expression. She knew I wasn’t happy.

“I’ll take my leave, my queen,” Lady Iris said. She picked up her skirt and hurried away, leaving my mother and I alone.

I didn’t waste a second. “How dare you,” I snarled.

My mother raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me? I am your mother, child.”

“You have no right to harass my mate,” I growled. “What you did— storming into the school, threatening her, crossed a line.”

Mother gave a haughty laugh, but it had no humor in it. “My son, I am a royal, as are you. We can cross any line we desire.”

“She deserves respect,” I shot out.

“She is a commoner,” Mother snapped. “An American with no royal bloodline. I am ashamed of your decision to marry her.”

She was trying to guilt me, but I wouldn’t have it. I could never be ashamed of Emma. Never.

“I love her, Mother.” My knuckles cracked as my fists tightened. “That should be enough for you.”

Mother scoffed. “Love? Get a hold of yourself. Do you believe I loved your father when I married him? Because I did not. I did my duty to the crown, and to my country, and I provided an heir. Something your mate cannot do. For shame, Ethan.”

Red-hot rage flickered inside my chest, and I had to tell my wolf to calm down. “I do not care whatsoever that she can’t have children. I love her besides.”

“You have a responsibility to the monarchy, to provide a line of succession! You knew she could not give birth to a child, yet you chose her anyway!” Mother cried. Her voice was so loud it seemed to shake the stone walls of the castle.

She drew back and sniffed. “Regardless, it makes no difference now. She lost you the King’s Contest. It is all for nothing. Your poor decision of mate has caused you the throne.”

I was so fucking sick of hearing about this Contest. Of going over it, of suffering from it, of experiencing the drawback. At this point, I was more than willing to put it behind me and forget it had ever happened. “Do you want to know something, Mother?” I hissed. “She was worth it. She was worth sacrificing the monarchy for.”

Mother let out a disgusted noise. “Now I know the little tart’s bewitched you.”

“Don’t call her names!” Gods, if this was anyone but my mother. I reigned in the violent wolf inside and claimed, “In time, you’ll grow to love her. But until that day comes, you will give Emma the respect she deserves as my bonded partner.”

“You have no authority at which to give me orders,” Mother seethed. I could see magic flickering at the edges of her fingers as she prepared to hit me.

I didn’t care. I wasn’t a little boy anymore— she couldn’t scare me with that nonsense. Her strikes would no longer hurt.

“I am asking you to be courteous to her, nothing more. If you cannot fail to do that, I demand you keep your distance. If you dare to threaten her again, there will be bigger consequences from me.”

A vein bulged in my mother’s forehead. “You have failed your country, and brought dishonor upon you Faction. Go,” Mother said, and she waved her hand. “I banish you from my sight.”

“I will speak no further on this,” I told her sharply. “I mean what I said.”

I twirled on my heel and strode out. “I must go. I have a meeting with Emma.”

My mother didn’t respond. The guards and servants eyed me as I strolled out— news of my confrontation with the queen regent about my mate would surely be in the tabloids by tomorrow morning.

I didn’t care. It was worth it, to protect Emma.

I had to meet Emma by the Conservatory that afternoon after three. We had a research project due for our Faction Abilities midterms and had yet Copyright 2016 - 2024