The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,121

Rose had been pretty popular in the tabloids since I’d first put the costume on. I tried to ignore the articles, because they gave me anxiety. But every day there were students in the school hallways whispering rumors about the masked caper who followed the Phantom around like a ghost.

Ethan was giving me this deep stare, one that was stern and drilled right down to my core. It was the kind of look that said to fess up; one a dominant would give their submissive. It was as sexy as it was scary.

I want to call him daddy, I thought, and I mentally smacked myself. Dammit, not now! Think, Emma, think!

“I thought you didn’t care about the Phantom,” I said. To buy myself time, I took a bite, though the food had lost its taste.

“I don’t, really,” Ethan said. I could hear the clear lie in his tone. “But I think it’s interesting that this new vigilante is a woman. Do you have any idea who she could be?”

Shit. Shit, shit, shit! He knew I was the White Rose! I could fucking tell by the darkness in his eyes. He just didn’t want to give himself away. I knew I wasn’t careful enough the last time I’d confronted him!

“How would I know?” I asked. “It’s not like I know the girl.”

“I don’t know. You’ve been up pretty late most nights. I thought you might’ve seen something,” he said flatly.

I pushed away my food and got up from the table. “I’m not feeling well, Ethan. I have to go.”

I ran off. Ethan’s eyes were watching me as I left the cafeteria.

I needed a plan. I needed a plan now. If Gabby heard— if Gabby found out...

My eyes caught Delmare. She was working on a painting in the courtyard, her cheek smudged with paint and her eyes concentrating.

She was the one person I could trust. I rushed to her. “Mare, I need to talk to you.”

She turned on her stool and looked me up and down. “What’s wrong with you? You look like you’ve been ridden hard and put away wet.”

I made a skeptical noise. “I fucking wish.”

She began to pack up her painting. “I’ll drop this off at Professor Jacosta’s class. Where do you want me to meet you?”

“My dorm,” I said. “It’s an emergency.”

My White Rose costume was spread out on my bed when Delmare walked in. Her jaw dropped open, and she whispered, “Holy shit.”

“Lock the door,” I said quietly. Delmare did, then ran to the bed. She gasped in amazement as her hand trailed over the dagger.

“Are you fucking shitting me? You’re the White Rose?” Delmare said. A huge grin spread across her face. She was impressed.

“Yes, and Ethan’s the Phantom,” I said. No use concealing it— I needed her help.

Delmare’s mouth bobbed open for a second, then she shut it. “You know what? That’s really not surprising. I should’ve guessed.”

“Yeah, well, he’s dramatic enough to be a superhero.” I ran a hand through my hair. I hoped my plan worked.

“But I don’t get it. The tabloids make you guys sound like bitter rivals,” Delmare protested. “Why are you trying to stop Ethan from doing his thing, which is saving the city?”

“Because Gabby, that’s why,” I snarled. “I’ve been working for her. She knows Ethan is the Phantom, and she’ll turn him in if I don’t do what she asks. He’s been on to her, but I’ve stopped him from making any progress.”

Delmare’s face turned red. “I’m going to shove a battle spell straight down her throat and watch her explode.”

“Have you guys found anything on her?” I asked. After Ethan had failed to follow her, the group had gotten together and decided to keep tabs on Gabby. Stefan and Delmare had volunteered, as they were the ones who had the most classes with her and Elijah.

“Stefan and I have been tailing her everywhere, and I swear, she doesn’t do anything but go to the nail salon, get her hair done, then sneak into Eli’s room to fuck him,” Delmare said viciously. “I mean, like seriously, how many blowouts and manicures can you get in a week? I don’t know what she’s doing.”

I let out a breath. “It has to be tied to the full moon. The ritual. There’s no other explanation.”

“We have to stop her. This can’t go on, Em,” Delmare protested.

“We can’t stop her. Because if we do, she’ll kill Ethan,” I pleaded. “She’s already tried to murder Alexei. She won’t stop until he’s no longer Copyright 2016 - 2024