The Dragon Oath - Megan Linski Page 0,120

go after him like you did Alexei?” I threw at her. “He nearly died due to that yarrow you slipped him.”

Gabby raised an eyebrow. “And? It was a pity he didn’t. I despise weak griffins.”

“You’re a monster.”

“Thank you,” Gabby purred. “I’ll make sure to finish the job next time.”

“You try to hurt my friends again, there will be hell to pay,” I threatened.

“What are you going to do?” Gabby let out a cold laugh. “You can’t even land your jumps lately. Why should I be afraid of a simpering little thing like you?”

“I’ve beaten you before, and I’ll beat you again,” I warned.

“I’d like to see you try,” Gabby challenged. “If we ever go head to head again, I’ll call upon Droga, and we’ll see which of our deities is stronger. And it won’t be your little goddess.”

My cheeks burned. She was such a bitch. “What were you doing in the woods?” I snapped. “You’re more powerful than you’re letting on, and it’s not because you’re good at magic.”

Gabby’s tone cooled. “I don’t think it’s your job to know,” she replied. “I’m running out of patience, Sosna. Ethan is becoming a nuisance. Next time he might not be so lucky.”

“Why should I bother to continue working for you after what you did to Alexei?” I hissed. “What’s stopping me from marching up to Ethan and telling him everything?”

Gabby’s next words were chilling and cruel. “If Ethan finds out about us working together, I will kill him, Sosna. And I’ll take my time enjoying it. I might even make you watch. The Black Claw works for me and the Circle is in my pocket. You have nowhere to go and no one who will help you. The only reason the two of you are still alive is because you might prove useful. Don’t forget— I hold all the cards now.”

She swept away. I was shaking— from rage or fear, I didn’t know.

I couldn’t keep up this charade forever. Sooner or later, I’d have to pick a side.

I feared no matter what I chose, Ethan would suffer for it.

He was in the cafeteria. I felt the need to be by him. I hurried there as fast as I could without drawing suspicion to myself. I felt a twinge of pain in my enlarged spleen as I walked, but I ignored it.

I’d been seeing Miroslava for my CVID, and had become one of her patients. She was an excellent doctor, though she’d told me I needed to get rid of my stress if I was going to start feeling any better.

Get rid of stress. Ha. Like that was going to happen.

Once I got to the dining hall, I slid onto the bench next to Ethan. Without a word, I leaned against him. He bristled at my touch, but softened when he felt how cold my skin was.

“Emma, you’re shivering.” Ethan put his arm around me and held me close. I closed my eyes and tried to enjoy it, but all I saw was Gabby’s smug face. What I’d give to be able to punch her in the nose.

Ethan brushed back my hair. “Do you want me to get you something?”

“Please.” I didn’t feel like I could eat right now, but I had to get some food in me. Ethan got up, and I busied myself with playing with the frayed ends of my uniform. This vigilante crap was going to make me lose it.

Ethan slid a plate of gluten-free creamy ricotta in front of me— one of my favorites. He was such a hero. My appetite returned as I smelled the delicious sauce and cheese.

“You seem spooked,” Ethan said as I dug into my food.

“Ran into Gabby in the hallway,” I told him. “She clearly has it out for me. I confronted her about poisoning Alexei, and she admitted to it.”

Ethan scowled. “There must be something we can do to get her off that throne. Or at least kicked out of this school.”

“Unless you want to ruin their coronation celebration, I don’t think that’s happening,” I said.

Ethan’s eye twitched, like he was actually considering it. “Maybe.”

There was something on Ethan’s mind. I could tell. He had that look on his face he always got when he was contemplating something deeply. “What’s bothering you?” I asked.

Ethan paused. He drummed his fingers on the table before he leaned in. “You’ve heard the rumors going around about a second vigilante in Dolinska. The one following the Phantom around. It’s all over the papers.”

I froze. The White Copyright 2016 - 2024