In a Dragon’s Dream by Riley Storm Page 0,35

the police offer. “Pleasure to meet you.”

“I doubt that,” Carla said with a tight smile. “We both wish there wasn’t reason for me to be here.”

“Agreed, I suppose,” Laura said, glancing out the back door at Rakell’s back.

He’d gone out there the instant she’d said it was Kristin at the door. Hadn’t even bothered to stick around and say hi.

What is going on with him?

“I wanted to come by and update you on the men that tried to take you and Kristin,” Carla said, glancing back and forth between the two of them. “Kristin already knows, but she suggested that she be here as well. A friendly face, as it might be.”

Laura smiled and nodded.

I wonder what would happen if I told you I know. That I know the truth, the real truth. Not whatever Kristin has convinced you was the truth. That evil dragon shifters tried to take me.

She looked at Kristin. Are you aware that I know what happened to Sam? That I know all about the dragons, just like you?

Of course, she would never say anything. Not with someone like Carla around, who didn’t know any better. If Laura started spewing that sort of thing, then the deputy would probably have her committed to a padded cell, claiming she’s off her meds or something.

Laura had gone twenty years without telling another soul what she knew. She wasn’t about to break that trust now. It was for the same reason that she hadn’t gone out into the mountains to spy on the dragon clans.


They wanted their secret kept, and she granted them that. She’d stumbled upon the truth of them, without ever thinking otherwise. It wasn’t in her to break the privacy that they so sought.

“What have you found?” she asked, dutifully playing the part of the uninitiated.

Rakell would appreciate me not giving the officer anything to worry about.

“They were part of an organized crime ring, trying to gain leverage on Kristin’s partner, who comes from a wealthy family.”

“I’m familiar with them,” Laura said with a smile, accepting the lie.

“You were more collateral. It was Kristin they were truly after,” the deputy said, sounding like she was reciting a speech instead of telling Laura the truth of the matter.

Not last night they weren’t. But then I suppose you don’t know about that, do you officer? What about you Kristin? Has word made its way to you yet?

Laura supposed not.

“We have apprehended the men who tried to take you, and also their leader,” Carla said. “They’ve been sent to a county prison. You no longer have to worry.”

Laura almost frowned at that. How could that be possible? There was no way the police could actually hold a dragon shifter, she was positive of it.

Was the officer flat-out lying to her?

“Anyway, I just wanted you to be able to rest easily,” Carla said. “I um, I have to get back to my duties though. If you have any other issues, we’re only a call away, okay?”

“Of course Deputy,” Laura said, rising and shaking the woman’s hand. “Thank you again for coming by to tell me in person, instead of a phone call.”

Kristin got up too, heading to the door. “She’s my ride,” she explained to Laura. “Have to go back down to the station. I’ll be in touch, okay?”

Laura nodded. “Of course. Not a problem.”

Then they were gone.

Not two seconds went by before the back door opened and Rakell came back inside.

“What is going on with you?” she asked, whirling on him, marching to the back door. “That was so rude of you, not acknowledging them. Are you holding a grudge for some reason, anything that I should know about?”

“It’s not that,” Rakell said, staring past her at the front door. “It’s just…a long story. When I have it all figured out, I promise I will tell you. I just…am missing a few pieces at the moment, okay? It was better if I wasn’t around Kristin.”

“Right. And the cop? What did she do to you?”

“Cop? Who?”

Laura sighed. “For a bodyguard, you sure didn’t pay any attention.”

Rakell looked down. “I…it’s complicated. I couldn’t trust myself not to say some things I shouldn’t say. Not without more proof, okay? I can’t say more than that.”

“Sure, fine. Have your secrets,” she said, throwing up her hands. “You seem to enjoy them.”

Rakell’s hand landed on her shoulder, spinning Laura around. She expected him to be angry. To want to shout and fight with her after the way she was addressing him. Maybe it would Copyright 2016 - 2024