In a Dragon’s Dream by Riley Storm Page 0,34

Rak. A fire-breathing, Cado-killing machine.”

“I don’t relish killing my own kind,” he said quietly. “Just because it must be done, does not mean I like it.”

“Oh.” She looked down. “I’m sorry. I must have gotten a little wound up there. I didn’t really think about it from that perspective.”

She reached out to touch him on the arm. Rakell jerked, like he’d been stung, but did not flinch away. It was only that her touch had been unexpected. Now that she knew for certain what he was, he hadn’t expected her to want to touch him.

“Is that why you’re so warm?” she asked quietly. “Because you’re a fire dragon?”

“All dragons are warm,” he explained. “Even the frost dragons, unless they choose not to be of course. Our metabolism burns faster, we run hotter. Hot blooded? I don’t know. I doubt anyone knows the science behind it.”

“Of course,” she said, resting her hand flat on his forearm to take in the heat.

She began to stroke his arm.

Rakell stiffened.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, voice dropping a note, growing thicker.

“No,” he replied, fighting to unclench his jaw just to speak.

He wished she would stop doing that. Except…it felt good. Seductively good. Like a moth drawn into the flame, he leaned forward. “Laura…”

“Yes?” she asked, swaying nearer.

Her arm reached his bicep, and then his shoulder.

“Are you sure you want this…” he asked quietly.

“Sure I want what?” Her face was within inches of his now. Their eyes locked, each waiting for the other to move that last little bit. To fully telegraph their intention.

“This,” he rasped, throat dry, stomach in knots, heart beating as flames filled his body.

Me. Are you sure you want me?

That was the question he longed to ask, but was terrified of the answer. She knew what he was now. What he truly was. Would that change things at all? Would she fear his touch?

One trembling hand lifted to cup her chin.

Laura gasped, but she didn’t pull back, only quivering as he lifted her head that little bit higher. Even on the couch, he had height on her.

“I’m sure,” she whispered with the last of her air.

Rakell leaned in.

Laura arched up to meet him.

Their lips touched. Fire blossomed. His body ached. She moaned. The world spun.

And then the glass of water fell from her hand and splashed all over both of them.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry!” Laura yelped, snatching it back up.

But the damage was done. The moment lost as wet stains spread all over their crotches and legs.

Rakell bit back a comment about water, wetness, and their current states. Now was no longer the time, he could see as Laura panicked and raced back to the kitchen, now intent on cleaning up, and not what had been about to happen.

Had Laura truly wanted it, he questioned.

“Oh my,” she said, stifling a huge yawn while mopping up what she could from the couch and where it had spilled on the hard floor.

So it was the adrenaline, he said, recognizing the signs of a comedown from that high.

Part of him was glad. He didn’t want to push Laura into something she wasn’t ready for. Most of him, however, was still screaming for Rakell to go over there and kiss her. Take her and lower her into the couch, showing her what he could do to her, what she deserved.

Making her mine.

Rakell mentally shook his head, willpower reigning triumphant that night.

But how much long could he hold out?

And what was it that Laura really wanted?

Chapter Twenty


Sipping at her coffee, Laura watched Rakell head out the back door, leaving her alone with her visitors.

He’s been acting strange all morning.

Did he feel guilty, about kissing her last night while she was still recovering from the kidnapping attack? The second attack, she thought to herself glumly, hoping that it would stop. That she could no longer be a pawn in other people’s games. That was what she wanted.

To do that though, she would have to get rid of Rakell. At least, that’s how she interpreted it. The Cado thought he and she were a thing. Thus, if they didn’t think they were a thing, she should be safe. Again, theoretically.

The trouble was, Laura didn’t want to throw Rakell out. She’d come to even want his presence. Not just for the protection he offered her either. She l—

“Laura, this is Carla, from the Sheriff's Department.”

Returning her attention to the two women sitting in her kitchen with her, Laura smiled at Kristin, her client, and then turned her attention to Copyright 2016 - 2024