Don't Touch My Men - Helen Scott Page 0,35

was. Was I passed out somewhere getting the shit beat out of me? Was I bleeding to death on a floor somewhere?

She stepped beneath the spray and closed the curtain behind her. Then her gaze moved up and met mine. “So much has happened…”

I tucked some of her hair behind one ear, surprised when she felt as real as she looked.

“The Horseman is building an army. He had me choosing who lived and who died. He’s taken my powers with these damned cuffs, and the only reason he let me go is because Grim took my place.”

“Grim?” I shook my head. “No.”

Sadness that seemed to echo in her soul as she stared back at me. “If I don’t come back with the Horseman’s head, they’ll kill him.”

“Fuck.” I shook my head. “And Alastair is hurt from the piece of the mirror. I had to…I had to shave off some of Ellis’ horn to save his life. Now Ellis hates me, and I don’t blame him.”

Mae reached up, and her arms wrapped around my shoulders. Her fingers played with the hair at my nape, and goosebumps blossomed on my skin as her touch sent waves through my nerves. “None of this is right. None of what’s happening is our fault. All we can do is try to make it right.”

“What do we do?”

She leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed a light kiss to my lips. “I’m going to take your pain away for just a minute, and then we’re going to kill our enemies and help our friends.”

I looked down at her. “I fuck up everything. How do you know I won’t fuck this up too?”

She kissed me again. “Hunter…stop. You and me, we’re like three legged cats. Maybe we’re not perfect, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fix things when the going gets tough, and doesn’t mean we don’t deserve good things.”

“I need to make everything right,” I said, and my words were practically a groan.

It was like somewhere in the back of my mind, having Mae back was starting to feel real. Everything she was telling me was starting to feel true. My gaze roamed from her stunning face, and her long beautiful red hair, down to where rivulets of water ran over her breasts, belly, and legs. If this was my Mae, then one part of my soul could heal, but if we’d lost Grim now, it was like I couldn’t even be happy.

“Just… Let’s have this moment,” she whispered to me.

Her words made something deep inside of me ache, but I lifted her, and her legs wrapped around my back. I pressed her against the wall of the shower, and my lips descended on hers. At first, our kiss was just desperate, like we were hurting so much that it wasn’t even sexual. It was like we each were trying to chase the darkness away. Our bodies were pressed together and we touched each other, but it was as if we were just trying to remind ourselves that we were alive.

Then our touch changed. I felt myself growing hard and aroused. The world outside the shower faded to nothing, and it was just Mae and me. I kissed her harder and harder, then kissed down her throat. Her hands moved from my shoulders to run over the muscles of my chest. She said nothing about my wounds, just continued to touch me.

When I pulled back and then slid my cock just in between her lower lips, her breath hitched and she moaned my name. I continued to slide myself back and forth until she told me to fuck her, then dug her nails deep into the skin of my shoulder.

I shuddered, pulled back, then pressed the head of my cock slowly into her channel as her body trembled around me. The fit was still tight, far too tight, so I moved slowly, making room for myself within her body. When at last I came to the hilt, I sucked her throat, pulled out, and plunged back in.

“Fuck, Hunter!” she cried.

I panted her name, then started to fuck her in earnest.

Every nerve in my body came alive, and the world around us was gone. It was just her and I and this perfect moment, when everything was right. She cried my name again, and worked harder and harder against me. The friction between us made my thoughts spin away, and it was only by some miracle that I managed not to come until she tensed and I Copyright 2016 - 2024