Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,7

you were back in town, I knew I wanted you for this job. But the timing had to be right. Well, and I wanted to see you in person first. You know, just to make sure you’re the same man you were. I see in your eyes that you are.”

If you only knew. Liam chuckled. He must still be working undercover if Brad thought he was the same guy. He had definitely changed. But appearances could fool.

“Wait. What job?” Liam stiffened but leaned back to disguise his discomfort. He hadn’t expected to walk into a job offer or . . . was this an interview?

Maggie returned quickly with two steaming coffees. “Here you go, gentlemen.”

Brad winked at her, then smiled at Liam.

Liam sipped the black coffee and studied Brad as he talked. Liam couldn’t help but watch him in that analytical sort of way that law enforcement studied people. They’d been best friends for most of Liam’s life growing up here in the valley—at least that he could remember. He wished he didn’t get a strange vibe from his longtime friend. He wished a lot of things.

He wished he’d taken a different path so he could shake the cloud that seemed to follow him everywhere.

“Liam?” Brad narrowed his eyes.

Liam suddenly realized that Brad had been explaining the job and he’d tuned the guy out.

“You seem a million miles away,” Brad said.

Liam sucked in a breath. “Yeah, sorry.”

“Is everything okay?” Brad asked.

Liam was blowing it already. “Sure.”

Brad leveled his gaze. “You’re staying at the ranch, right?”


“With Heath?”


“Emerald M has a nice reputation. Though this is our second ski season, it’s our grand opening. We’ve gotten a few Emerald M guests here to ski.”

“The ranch isn’t open in the winter.” Not yet.

“I meant referrals. Heath has been good to refer those looking to come back to the valley to ski. We’d love everyone to stay here at Saddleback, but I’ve been talking to Heath about opening up his place for the winter.”

“So he told me.” But not that it had been at Brad’s urging.

“He’s a good man. But if I remember correctly, you never got along with him that well before. Maybe that’s what’s eating at you.”

“Nothing’s eating at me. Heath and I are fine now. I’m fine.” His smile was too big. Yep. He was still working undercover, settling into a persona. “Heath got married a few months back, by the way. And Austin’s married.”

Yep. It was time for Liam to move on. He’d come home hoping to forget what had gone wrong, but while trying to fit into Heath’s idea of a good life, Liam realized he didn’t know where home truly was for him.

Where is home? He didn’t fit in anywhere anymore.

“How about you?” Liam asked.

“Married and divorced now. I have a daughter. Mom and Dad still live outside of Jackson.” Brad chugged his coffee. “You married?”

“Never married. No kids.” Liam was ready to move on to the next topic. “Thank you for asking me here. Let me hear more about the job.”

Liam almost found himself hoping this would be a door God was opening for him.

Brad chuckled, giving Liam a look that said he hoped he listened this time. “Look, we’re small now—thirty-five runs on two hundred acres—but we have plans to grow. The job is for security here at the resort.” Brad leaned closer. “I know you have more experience than what’s required of just a regular security guard.”

Right. A high school diploma was all that had been required in the past, but Liam suspected much had changed. “Then what’s this about?”

“You’d be head of security. Responsible for everything that goes on here—the policing and the investigations arm of the resort. I’ve learned a lot since opening this place—there are a lot of hoops to jump through. Business licenses. Forest service and backcountry leases and permits. Running a restaurant, rental shop, ski school, and ski patrol. I need someone with experience to run security. Someone who isn’t a seasonal worker. You live here now. You know this valley, the mountains, the people, and how to keep them safe.” He held Liam’s gaze. “I want you in this with me. What do you say?”

Liam toyed with his cell. “I’m thinking . . .”

“Well, think hard and fast. This place is going to grow. I can feel it.” Brad grinned. “Oh, and get this. Thanks to one of my investor’s connections, someone who makes movies for YouTube contacted me earlier today and wants to make a movie about starting Copyright 2016 - 2024