Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,6

Just a child. She doesn’t deserve to have her world rocked.

But what child ever deserved the loss of a parent? Yet that tragedy happened every day. His reporter sister had told him enough about the evils of this world—it boggled his mind. His father had exposed those truths too. A person would have to be completely unaware of the world around them not to understand the unimaginable evil waiting in the shadows.

If the police decided to invade Alan’s life and arrest him, what would happen to Callie? He was innocent, but he’d heard those stories too—innocent men sent to prison. Dying at the hands of capital punishment. If the worst happened, Mom or Rae could take Callie, but Alan wanted to be the one to raise his daughter. He wanted to love his wife.

God, please let Zoey return safe and sound and unharmed.

And then when she did, then and only then, could Alan fall apart.


Wednesday, 10:01 a.m.

Saddleback Mountain Ski Resort

Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Liam McKade wasn’t there for fun.

Skiers crowded into the Saddleback Mountain Café. They had their helmets and jackets off as they gulped down egg sandwiches and spicy hash browns—the breakfast of champions—to fuel their escapades on the mountain and power them through a morning of downhill delight.

Sure, he’d taken to the slopes early this morning—the first time in ten years. An ache that hadn’t been there the last time he’d skied coursed through his entire body and throbbed most profoundly in his leg—that, from an on-the-job injury he’d received months ago. Full recovery would take time, he’d been told. The injury that haunted him was at least something he had in common with his brother Heath.

Still, too much time had passed between when he’d skied like a maniac when he was young and now. He’d have to work back up to his previous skill level. That is, if he lived a different life and had the time to focus on that endeavor. At thirty-one, he was still trying to figure out his place in this world. For the first time in a long time, he’d prayed for God to open doors and direct his path. It was a starting point.

Liam snagged a booth as patrons left. He was waiting for an old friend who wanted to catch up. Brad Whitfield was the man behind Saddleback Mountain Ski Resort. This had been his dream. Since coming back to the valley region of Jackson Hole last summer, Liam had put off his friend for as long as he could.

Brad was proud of his accomplishments, and Liam should wish him well and congratulate him. That would be easier if he were in the right frame of mind.

I’ll get there.

He just needed time. It had already been months. How much time did someone need to come back from a near-death experience? Figuring out what he was going to be when he grew up would go a long way in his recovery—that and forgetting the face of the woman who’d blown his cover and filleted his heart.

When a man slid into the seat across from him, Liam almost protested. Recognition hit him slowly. It was in the eyes. Brad’s face had filled out and grown wider. Was that due to his thick beard? Brad was the same age as Liam, but Brad’s leathery skin made him look much older. He seemed to take in Liam’s appearance too. Did Liam look different as well? If anything, the change would be in his eyes.

Brad’s mouth spread into a wide grin. He reached across the table and shook Liam’s hand. “It’s been a long time, my friend.” He caught a waitress’s attention as she passed the booth. “Could you bring us coffee, Maggie?” Brad glanced at Liam. “What’ll it be?”


“I’ll have the same. Thanks, Maggie.” Brad turned his attention back to Liam.

“Eh. Not that long. Thirteen years. Give or take.” Liam returned the grin. To escape the drama of his home life with an alcoholic father and the perpetual state of grief he and his brothers lived in after their mother had died in a fire, Liam joined the marines. Then, somehow, he found himself waging war in a different battle and worked for the DEA—Drug Enforcement Administration.

He’d been in Jackson Hole for months. Why had he waited so long to get together with Brad?

A million memories of the two of them tearing up the slopes carved through his mind.

“I’m glad you could meet me.” The skin around Brad’s eyes crinkled. “As soon as I heard Copyright 2016 - 2024