Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,69

knowledge of their interest in Zoey’s case or if they planned to get involved. “You were once a fed.”

He rubbed the whiskers on his chin and slid his hand up around his cheek and then down to his neck. “That’s why I can’t be sure there’s not more going on here.”

“What do you mean?” He’d mentioned contacting his former DEA boss about Enzo . . . had he learned something?

“I don’t know. Just a feeling.”

“A gut feeling? You once told me to listen to that.”

“I’m listening. I’m not exactly sure what my gut is telling me.”

Rae got up to move closer to the hearth as the fire died. The flames reflected in Liam’s eyes, and shadows danced across his somber features. Except for her father, Liam was the most intense man she’d ever known.

Evelyn stepped into the living room, drawing their attention. She’d donned an adorable Nordic sweater. Her cheeks were rosy red to match her lips—not too much, but just right—and she wore snowmen earrings. “Well? What do you think?”

“You look great!” Rae smiled.

“Where are you going at this hour, young lady?” Liam asked.

A knock came at the door. “Oh, that would be my date.”

Liam’s surprise almost made Rae laugh.

“Are you sure Leroy is okay with that?” he asked.

Evelyn opened the door. “Leroy, what are you doing here?”

“I’m going to wait here with you. We’re all riding together.”

“I thought you were meeting us.”

“Why meet you when we can ride together? Mom, dating at your age. Really.”

“If you want to tag along with us, that’s fine, Leroy, but please don’t be such a fun sucker.” Evelyn laughed. She wasn’t truly miffed at her son.

Leroy stepped into the house.

“Watch the boots.”

“Okay, Mom.” He kissed her on the cheek, then smiled at Rae and Liam. He must have noticed the questioning look on Liam’s face. “We’re going on a moonlit snowshoeing adventure.”

“Is that safe?” Liam asked.

“A park ranger guides it. You should try it sometime.”

“Oh, there’s Tom now, pulling up to the house. Let’s go.” Evelyn gave them a small wave, then she and Leroy exited. She closed the door behind them.

Tom was going out of his way to impress Evelyn if he drove all the way out to this ranch and up that road in the winter.

Deep in thought, Liam peered off into space. Then he slowly turned his gaze on Rae, and she knew that look.

He’d gotten an idea.

Rae had a feeling she wasn’t going to like it.


8:11 p.m.

If he had his way, he would wait until Rae fell asleep. Then he’d take off on his own for this particular reconnaissance. If it worked, it would save them some time and possibly give them answers. But he couldn’t leave her alone since Evelyn and Leroy were gone. Pete’s cabin was too far from the main house. Liam had believed she was safe here, but after today, he should expect the unexpected.

Maybe he should forget about his harebrained idea. But it wasn’t that crazy—just different. Rae had perked up and looked lively since Evelyn had announced her date. Plus, Liam had brewed a pot of strong coffee. He was going to need it.

He’d been worried about her going to a mental and emotional place from which she might not return. Then he reminded himself what she’d already been through. If anything, Rae was strong. She’d be all right. Still, he was glad to see that glow of color in her face, along with the familiar spark of curiosity—every reporter’s superpower.

“What are we doing?” Rae had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders as she sat at the kitchen table.

“You’ll see.” Liam spread out a map and searched the forest roads—one in particular. “As for what’s happened to you since you arrived in Jackson Hole, I figure there are only a few possibilities. One is that someone knows you’ve come here to find Zoey, and they’re trying to stop you or sidetrack you. We’ve theorized that someone is Enzo Astor—and the masked man works for him.”

“The other possibilities?”

“My past. Your past. Our past. All or any of it involving trafficking. Drugs. Money laundering.”

“I get what you’re saying, but I can’t get caught up in anything that leads me away from finding Zoey.”

“I hear you. All I’m saying is that every possibility should be on the table.”

Rae frowned. “Because you’ve seen Enzo Astor somewhere, you think he could somehow be tied to both Zoey and your past dealings.”

“Again. Everything’s on the table until we take it off.” Liam shrugged. “You were interviewing Dina Copyright 2016 - 2024