Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,68

if we can’t, you can still question him about the pictures of him with the same man who forced Rae off that ski slope. Who stole her laptop.”

“Detective Moffett is holding off on paying Astor a visit. His being seen with a man dressed in black skiwear, even with the green-faced wristwatch, is not enough. And you can’t be sure it was that same man in the Hummer.”

“We just have to find the Hummer,” Liam said. “How many could there be in this valley? I could start searching there.”

Liam reached for her hand and squeezed, reassuring her they would keep searching for answers.

With an arched brow, the sheriff glanced from Rae to Liam. The look on his face made it clear he thought the two of them had an interest in each other that went deeper than a collaboration to find Zoey.

A log rolled from the fire and brought Rae back to the present. Back to her tea and the warm blanket on the comfy sofa at the Emerald M.

She shut her eyes and tried to once again capture that earlier moment when the crackling fire and warmth lulled her frazzled heart and mind away from the drama.

Footfalls let her know she wasn’t alone, and she opened her eyes.

Liam sat on the sofa—the other end. He joined her in staring at the fire. Neither of them spoke, but it was a good, comfortable silence. It seemed like they were forever doomed to share traumatic, life-threatening experiences together.

Nothing more.

From the first intake of his breath, signaling to her that he would speak, she dreaded his words.

“The authorities know everything we know now.” He kept his voice low, his tone stern. “They’re tracking with you.”

She shifted on the sofa to look at him. “You’re not quitting on me, are you?”

Liam moved closer. “Never. But I think you should stop. You’re putting yourself in danger. You know how that can end. Do like the sheriff said and . . . and go home.”

“You know I can’t. I didn’t stop searching for Dina, no matter the danger. No matter the cost. I won’t stop searching for Zoey. Someone close to me and dearly loved by my brother and Callie. And by me.” Tears fought for an escape. She refused them freedom. “This is far more than a story this time. The authorities will do their absolute best, but you know as well as I do that it’s not always enough. More often than not, their efforts aren’t enough. So, no. I won’t quit. I won’t go home. Can you blame me?”

Standing, he dragged a hand down his haggard face. “No. But you can’t save everyone, Rae.”

“I don’t need to save everyone. I just need to save Zoey.”

“She was your friend first, before your brother met her. I know how you are—you hold yourself responsible for her, and for your brother meeting her, and for their child. You can’t carry the world on your shoulders.”

Okay. So the tears escaped after all. “I don’t need to carry the world. I only need to find Zoey. I came to you because I knew you would understand. I knew you could help. So please don’t quit on me now.”

He sat close to her. Her breath hitched at his nearness.

With his thumb, he gently wiped the tears from her cheeks. “If I could tell you to leave and trust that you would, I’d take that path. But I’ve seen you in action. You’re willing to risk everything for someone else. I can’t let you do this alone. And I know you won’t stop. So I’m here with you every step of the way.”

She’d dreaded bringing him into this, but Rae wouldn’t have anyone else in it with her.

A myriad of emotions warred in his expression, poured from his eyes. What are you thinking, Liam McKade? Why am I so drawn to you? Protection emanated from him and concealed any agitation or bitterness he might have still harbored toward Rae. She’d been in his arms before, and unfortunately, she wanted to be in them again now. Her heart pounded with longing and questions—would he hold her?

As if sensing her unspoken question, he rose from the sofa and moved toward the flames—a much safer place for him.

“I see no reason why we can’t also look into things while the police do their own thing. Maybe if someone finds enough evidence, the feds will get involved too. The more people searching, the better.”

Sam had mentioned contacting the FBI, but Rae had no Copyright 2016 - 2024