Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,48

old friend I’m visiting while I’m here to work on a story.”

Astor’s demeanor changed. Was it Liam? He had bumped into Astor in the restroom earlier and Astor could realize they’d been following him.

The man pushed past her. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m busy at the moment. Maybe some other time.”

He kept walking. Rae shooed Liam away to catch up to Astor and walked with him again.

“I could meet you somewhere.” She leaned closer. “Without Liam, that is. I need to talk to you.”

Astor seemed to consider her request, then tugged a card from his jacket and slipped it to her. “My private number. Call me anytime. People don’t usually want to talk to reporters, but if a story about my brother’s death can help find his killer, then I’ll do anything.”

He strode away.

Rae stared after him.

Truth echoed in his words. She watched until he disappeared through the exit, then glanced down at the card.

“Are you done?” Liam asked. She sensed his tension and anger.

“I am.” She focused on the exit. Time to see the sheriff.

“Let’s go,” he said.

She followed him out to his truck and climbed in.

“Are you crazy? I can’t believe you approached him without talking it through with me first.”

“I told you I would. I don’t need a committee and focus group to tell me when to step out.”

The furrow between his brows deepened. “What did he say to you?”

“He gave me his card with his private number and said to call anytime.”

“What’s with you and all these guys who give you their phone numbers and tell you to call?”

That drew a blank—oh, right. Greg had done the same thing. “I’m a reporter. More than that, I’m approachable. But Liam, Enzo Astor has no idea who I am. He couldn’t be behind my stolen laptop or what happened on the slopes today.”

“What makes you think that?”

“He wants to talk to me because he thinks getting the news out about his brother’s death could help him find out who killed him.”

“You’re kidding me.”

“No. That’s what he said. And . . . I think he was telling the truth.”

“You got that from all of three minutes with him?”

“I think he’s disturbed about Simon’s remains being identified and wants to know who’s behind his death.”

“That doesn’t mean he doesn’t know who you are or that he didn’t hire the masked man.” Liam’s somber expression seemed permanent as he shrugged out of his jacket and shifted the truck into gear. “This is a dangerous game you’re playing. We now know Astor is connected to the masked man. You shouldn’t have approached him. He played dumb with you, acting like he didn’t know who you are and why you’re here. He knows something, Rae. He must somehow be involved with Zoey’s disappearance like we suspected. And in a way, that’s good news. It means we’re on the right trail.”

“Given Astor’s reaction to my question, I’m not sure about that.”

“If he’s involved in an abduction,” Liam said, his pitch increasing, “he’s practiced at hiding the truth. In fact, what better way to deflect than to agree to an interview with you? Because this is dangerous, I want you to talk to me first about who you’re approaching. You hired me to protect you, remember?”

“I warned you I would talk to him, and the opportunity presented itself. This is what real journalists do. I’m done following him around. We aren’t getting any information like this. Besides, I want to get into his home.”

He steered toward the parking lot exit. “Not alone, you don’t.”

“I could meet him somewhere else, but I need to at least follow through and get an interview.” She could get answers that police sometimes failed to find. But given the amount of time that had already passed without finding answers to Zoey’s disappearance, the feeling that any cold, hard evidence was slipping through her fingers left her desperate. Compelled her forward.

“Somehow, we need to get inside Astor’s home. I mean, just to make sure Zoey’s not there.”

Liam’s cell buzzed, and he swerved away from the exit and into a parking spot. “I need to take this call. Wait here.”

He climbed out and sent her a killer glare as he did.

Her adrenaline still surged after the encounter with Astor. Though she felt more like she was clawing her way to answers, this was what she was born to do.

She was never going to make it as a travel magazine editor.


While Rae waited in his truck, Liam stood outside to return Kelvin’s Copyright 2016 - 2024