Don't Keep Silent (Uncommon Justice #3) - Elizabeth Goddard Page 0,47

them as they hiked.

“Liam, look,” she said. “It’s him.”

He turned to see where she pointed. Through the trees far from the slope were Astor and a man in a black ski suit deep in conversation. The man who chased Rae? Or just another skier wearing black? He couldn’t be sure, though this guy was big too. He had a similar build to the man who’d stolen her laptop.

Was this the man Astor planned to meet? Anger boiled inside, ready to erupt. He wanted to approach them and find out what was going on. But Liam wouldn’t put Rae in more danger by leaving her while he moved in to confront the two men.

Rae tugged her cell phone out and took pictures.

“We’re getting out of here.” He gripped her arm and urged her onward.

Liam never liked to be in this position. This went beyond theft—someone had tried to harm her. He could hardly believe he was in this kind of situation with Rae again. She lifted her face and offered a tenuous smile as if she were thinking the same thing.

He shouldn’t be surprised.

They made it to the café just as the gondola arrived. He stepped in the line with Rae, who peered at the images she had taken. “I wasn’t sure if I’d imagined it,” she said, leaning in to whisper, “but these pictures confirm it. He’s wearing that funky green-faced watch on his right wrist. It’s him, Liam. It’s the same guy who took my laptop.”


12:17 p.m.

Inside the resort, they returned the ski rental equipment and gathered their items from the lockers.

Liam pressed his hand into the small of Rae’s back and urged her toward the exit.

“We’re going to see the sheriff. No more phone tag. He needs to know that the laptop thief tried to harm you today, and that he’s somehow connected to Enzo Astor. It wouldn’t surprise me that Enzo was behind it.”

“What about the resort security?”

“They’ll need to know, but this is bigger than what they handle.”

“Definitely bigger.” Maybe bigger than she could have imagined. Rae tried to steady her breathing. She hadn’t stopped shaking since being forced from the groomed slope. The sound of those skis racing toward her from behind skittered across her nerves.

Rae needed to get to the bottom of this and fast. Seeing the man meet with Enzo Astor only raised more questions. The next opportunity she got, she needed to kick into reporter mode and ask Astor the hard questions. She wouldn’t bring that idea up now. With that scowl on his face, Liam was in no mood to hear it. He had other ideas about what their next step should be. She agreed that going to the sheriff was a good idea.

Rae was moving to step through the revolving doors that emptied into the parking lot when she spotted Astor. She stopped in her tracks, resisting Liam’s efforts to urge her forward. She was done playing games.

Liam’s frown deepened. “What are you doing?”

“You’ll see.” She turned and walked toward the man and stood in front of him. Smiled.

He made to move beyond her. “Excuse me.”

Rae walked with him. “Mr. Astor?”

“Yes.” That she’d known his name must have stopped him.

“My name’s Rae Burke. I’m a journalist. I was so sorry to hear about your brother’s death. Would you say that after five years, this brings closure for you?”

Rae knew how to do this, and she was good at it. But this time her nerves were on edge, her heart in her throat. She struggled to hide her anxiety. As for Astor, she couldn’t read his reaction, which was unusual for her. If she had to guess his true emotions, she’d say displeasure. Rather than blasting her for the intrusion, though, he acted as if it was important to maintain a good appearance.

Rae became aware of bystanders interested in their exchange.

“Miss . . . What was it again?” he asked.

“Rae Burke. You can call me Rae.”

“Rae. I’d be happy to discuss this with you.” He lowered his voice. “Without anyone looking on or listening in.”

“I’d like that too.” She ignored the shiver trailing up her spine.

Astor’s eyes flicked beyond her. “And this is—”

Rae felt the warmth emanating from the man who stood much too close. She didn’t have to look to know Liam was standing behind her. And his presence made her feel safe.

“Liam McKade.” Liam, his demeanor sincere and friendly, thrust out his hand to shake Astor’s. Liam projected the required personality. He’d joined her in this mission.

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