Doc (Ruthless Kings MC #7) - K.L. Savage Page 0,32

against the glass as I walk through the kitchen. Pictures have fallen, frames are broken, lamps; everything is destroyed by hundreds of bullets.

“Reaper,” Sarah’s trembling tone comes from the hall to the right, and she’s holding Maizey tight against her.

“Doll.” Reaper launches toward his family and engulfs them with his giant arms.

My goal is to head outside where most of the injured are, but one sweep in the main house just to be safe can’t hurt. I check behind the old bar and gasp when I see Dawn. She’s huddled in the corner, hands tight on her belly, and breathing fast. There isn’t a mark on her, but she’s sweating and breathing quickly as if she’s in pain.

Where the fuck is Skirt?

By the tightening of her stomach and the water on the floor, Dawn is in labor. An entire month early. Fuck. I lay my medical kit down and squat to her level. “Dawn, how long have you been having contractions?”

“I don’t … know!” she roars as another contraction hits. “Feels like forever!” She grips her stomach and bangs her head against the wall behind her.

I count to see how long I have before I need to deliver a baby. I haven’t done that since med school, and I’m a little nervous about it. I won’t tell her that. The last thing she needs is the only doctor around to panic.

“Where is Skirt?” she asks with big watery eyes. “I need him. I can’t do this without him. Doc, I’m scared. It’s too soon.”

“It’s going to be fine. You’re going to be okay. Your contractions are far enough apart that we don’t have to worry about the baby coming right now. Do not move from this spot. I’ll be back. I’ll find Skirt, okay?”

She nods, and tears fall from the corners of her eyes. Sweat runs down her neck and pools in the collar of her shirt.

God, today is a shit show.

I hurry toward the dented front door, passing the dead bodies of Candy and Jasmine. My boots thud against the porch, and I look around to see most of the guys patched up thanks to Juliette. I’m so glad she can help me, or who knows how many guys would have lost too much blood.

Poodle has blood running down his forehead, sitting on the ground, his hand against his head, but he seems fine. Juliette is with Tool, and from the looks of it, sewing up his arm and leg. I’m trying to take inventory to make sure everyone is alive.

Who is left? Knives, Tongue, Skirt, Tank, Braveheart, Slingshot, Badge, and Bullseye.

“Come on,” I say with impatience as I slide my eyes over the front of the house. There, by the gate, I see a figure crawling toward the house. “Fuck. Braveheart!” I jump down the steps and spring toward him, but Poodle screaming has me stopping quick. I slide against the desert floor, swinging my arms to stop myself from falling.

“Ellie! Ellie, where is she? Ellie?” he calls out for his daughter. “Tool, she was right next to me; did you see her? Where’s Melissa? Melissa!” His voice breaks as he shouts for help. He stands on shaky legs, tripping over his feet as he takes his next steps. “Ellie!” I can hear the torment in his throat, the fear clutching his chest. “Lady, come on girl, where are you?” His hands press against the side of his head. “Where the fuck is everyone?” he yells, his voice echoing all around me.

I turn my head and see Braveheart. He manages to stand, and he seems unscathed. No injuries. He’s covered in sand and a few cactus needles are impaled in his arms, but other than that, no bullet wounds.

“Melissa!” Poodle screams again when there is no answer. “Ellie!”

“Listen, Braveheart. There are members unaccounted for. I need your help in finding them. Okay? Can you do that?”

“Yes, yeah, I can. I’m fine.” He brushes off his plain black shirt and tugs on his cut. “I can do it.”

“Good. Go. And figure out where the fuck—” A loud explosion shakes under my feet.

When I look to the left, there is smoke and flames licking the sky, Poodle is screaming, and somewhere in the distance I hear a dog barking. Please, let it be Lady, Yeti, or Tyrant.

Shit, and Chaos.

So many animals and people to keep track of.

“Skirt!” Poodle sprints toward where the fire is coming from, and that lets me know one thing.

Dawn might be delivering this baby alone because Copyright 2016 - 2024