Doc (Ruthless Kings MC #7) - K.L. Savage Page 0,31

leaves my mouth is dripped in anger and disrespect. I understand shit like this happens, but Reaper wants me to save everyone, and I’m only one fucking man.

“Anything you want, Doc. Anything,” he says without the same heat.

“Good,” I say as-a-matter-of-fact. When the sutures are done and Patrick’s vitals are normal, I take a breather before closing him up. “Jesus, that was too close.” I look up and notice Reaper changing out the blood bag to a new one and tossing the empty one away. “We aren’t out of the woods yet. Number one leading cause of death in a hospital is infection. We need to make sure he doesn’t clot and his wound stays clean. Everyone in contact with him has to stay clean. Post-operation infections are very common,” I state as I sew up Patrick’s abdomen. That had to have been the quickest surgery I’ve ever done. I make sure the wound is clean before applying a bandage over it, then lift my hands.

I could fucking cry in relief that I still hear the beeping of the heart monitor. “I’m going to go tell Sunnie.”

“She’s going to be pissed that you wouldn’t let her in here.”

“Too fucking bad,” I say without sympathy. When it comes to life and death situations, family always think they know better than a trained medical professional. I don’t need someone in my ear, crying and threatening me while I do my job. Plus, no one wants to see the inside of their loved one.

There’s no romance. There’s no love there. At that point, it’s just something most people wish they could unsee. If anything, I’m doing them a favor. I pop my gloves off and toss them in the trash before opening the door.

Reaper is right. Sunnie is pissed.

She charges at me, swollen eyes, wet cheeks, tangled hair, a few scratches on her arms that might need stitches, and she hits my chest with her palms. “You asshole! I can’t believe you wouldn’t let me see him. How could you?” The more she speaks, the louder she cries.

That right there is why, but we won’t get into it.

“There was so much blood. Oh God… He’s dead, isn’t he?” She wraps her arms around her stomach and falls to her knees, crying so hard I’m worried that she can’t breathe. “No! No. Please,” she begs me, as if I’m God, as if I can bring someone back from the dead. Luckily, in this case, I have good news.

“Sunnie.” I kneel in front of her, and she lifts her chin, paralyzing me with broken blue eyes that scream heartbreak. “He’s alive. We have to monitor him. I’m still giving him—Ooof!” A whoosh of breath leaves me when Sunnie slams against me, wrapping her arms around me in a bear hug. She’s still crying, but these sounds are different. These are sounds of relief.

“Tha-thank you,” she stutters through a watery voice. “Thank you so much.”

I hug her back and lean away, giving her a tight smile. “I need to be honest, okay? There are still things we need to watch for. As long as he doesn’t clot, stroke, or get an infection, we will be fine.”

“But he’s okay, right? As of now, you said—”

She starts to get frantic again, and I nod quickly to try to dry her tears. “Yes, I’m informing you of problems that may arise. May.” I repeat so it hits home that the chances aren’t likely, but there is still a possibility.

“I’m going to move him into this room. Do you want to stay with him?”

“Please,” she says.

After twenty more minutes of getting him transferred into a hospital bed in the treatment room, I switch out his blood bag, and his body is taking it in much slower.

Thank fuck, but fuck this day.

I grab my extra medical kit from the cabinet, and Reaper is at my side again, ready for action. I hope there doesn’t need to be more action. I don’t think the club can handle it right now. Before I head up the steps to take in the wreckage, I stare at Sunnie who is holding Patrick’s hand and crying into his palm, shoulders shaking as she presses kisses along his inner wrist.

To have love through pain is the strongest kind of love there is.

Happy to have saved one person, I hurry up the steps and open the basement door. I still hear groans of pain, and there is a smell of fire coming from somewhere too. My boots crunch Copyright 2016 - 2024