A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,88

father continued to reminisce about the past. Was this the same man who had discussed political tactics last night so cunningly with Lord Stanley?

Both men's thoughts were interrupted by Elena's entrance.

"Good morning, Lady Elena," Morgan boomed.

Elena bestowed her sweetest kindly-older-man smile on him before turning expectantly to Gareth, who was standing.

"Good morning, Elena," he said in a husky voice. Her smile deepened seductively and her eyes sparkled intimately at him, making the blood rush to his face and his throat constrict. "Would you--" he cleared his throat. "Would you like some fresh bread or cheese?"

"Yes, come have some, dear girl. Samuel's wife left his pantry well-stocked before she left to visit her kin." As Elena sat in Gareth's vacated seat, Morgan continued, "How did you pass your night?"

Gareth choked on a slice of cheese and looked quickly to Elena who seemed as composed as ever. "Wonderfully," she said with a smile. "It was the most pleasurable night I've spent." Despite his fear that Morgan would decipher just what she meant, he couldn't ignore the tingling warmth that spread over his body at her words. He was glad she had found their encounter equally pleasing.

As soon as Elena was finished eating, he said, "Shall we spend today finding a seamstress for your gown?"

Elena quickly stood and ran down the hall to her room, calling over her shoulder, "Yes! I'll get the cloth now!"

"I understand there are several reputable seamstresses on the third street to the west. Here," Morgan said, reaching into his tunic and pulling out a small leather bag. "Make sure you eat well. Perhaps you should buy another horse, as well, for Lady Elena to ride. It cannot be too comfortable to cross mountains pressed together on one horse."

Gareth refrained from telling him just what was uncomfortable about that situation, and instead pushed the bag of coins away. "You've given me more than enough, Da. I still have more than half of what you gave me yesterday, thanks to Cynan."

"This is not from me, though I'd give it to you if I had it. Lord Stanley asked me to give it to you before he left at sunrise. He said he understood how difficult your task would be and how it was hard to know what was right all the time."

Gareth stared at the small bag for a moment before slowly reaching out to take it. "That was kind of him. He seemed such an ogre yesterday."

"He's in a difficult spot. Richard holds his son as ransom to Stanley's loyalty, yet Henry is his kin as well."

Gareth felt his unease about returning as a spy to England settle on his shoulders like a familiar weight. Was there nothing about this entire war he would not feel guilty for? Before he had time to heap more recriminations on his head, Elena returned, positively beaming as she handed him the heavy mass of cloth and took his arm.

"Do you know where we are going?" she asked sweetly, and if Gareth had not been so preoccupied, he would have marveled at her tone.

"Yes," Morgan answered for him. "I've told him of several places you can try, not a ten minute's walk from here."

"Excellent," she replied. Tugging on Gareth's arm, she said, "Shall we go?"


"Oh what a glorious day!" said Elena as they walked down the narrow street. Lifting her face to the warm sun, she inhaled deeply of the salty air.

Gareth glanced over the pile of wool in his arms and smiled. "That is truly something I never thought to hear cross your lips."

Elena frowned. "Why not?" she asked, although she knew the answer. Studying her escort, she saw him look quickly away and knew to what he referred.

"You just seem like you prefer the comforts of a castle and servants."

Elena studied the large formation of clouds that was moving in from the west. She considered responding with a flippant answer, but stopped herself. She was determined to test her feelings for him and, perhaps, discover his for her. Deciding to be as honest as he himself always was, she said, "Perhaps I've just grown to appreciate the beauty of other surroundings."

"I can understand how it has been difficult."

"What do you mean," Elena asked, her hackles bristling.

The corner of Gareth's mouth twitched and he said, "What with your own beauty eclipsing everything around you, I can see how it would be difficult for you to notice anything else."

Elena stared at him for a few seconds as an embarrassed flush crept up his

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