A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,87

harsh. “Elena is most enamored of her position at court. She would not give it up for life as mistress of a Welsh keep.”

"But if we assured her she would have a place in Henry’s court--"

"No!" Gareth said more forcefully than he had planned. "Henry won't lose this war without Elena's help and we both know there's every chance we'll be completely crushed. If that should happen, I would not have Elena then be termed a traitor and put to death."

"Alright son, alright. We need not ask her assistance." Morgan watched his son tear almost savagely into his bread. "Gareth?"

Much calmer now that his anger was spent, Gareth smiled apologetically at his father and said, "Yes?"

"I'm not questioning your loyalty to me and this cause, for I know you would lay down your very life once you have committed yourself to something."

"But?" Gareth prodded.

"No buts, I just want to know your feelings."

Gareth was confused and he frowned as he asked, "About what?"

Morgan lifted his hand in an encompassing gesture. "About this whole venture. I believe in Henry Tudor's claim, as do your friends, and I know that you are fighting for Wales. But I've yet to hear you say you think we will be victorious. Do you think Richard will crush us?"

Gareth saw the concern on Morgan's face and sighed, tossing the bit of bread he was about to eat back onto the table. "I don't know, Da. Richard has many enemies in England, but he has managed to purchase or cajole or win over many powerful allies as well. And Henry has to get here, gather his troops, and get them to England. I don't know," he repeated as he leaned back on the rickety wooden chair, lifting its front legs off the floor and balancing precariously on the back two. Three men of his own age came down from the upstairs room where they had spent the night. They nodded good morning to Gareth and his father and made their way down the hall to the shop.

Gareth dropped his chair back onto all four legs and turned to face his father, noting the worried look on his father's face. He immediately felt remorseful for his doom saying. "You can't place much faith in my ramblings. In fact, don't listen to me--I'm a green knight with little war experience. I guess I'm still uncomfortable with this whole spying idea."

Morgan waved his hand dismissively. "You're right, of course. For all our self-righteousness, there is every chance we will be slaughtered. We would be fools if we went into battle expecting the angels to help us defeat our enemies and escape unscathed, though I know that's what many men will expect." He paused and took a breath. "I don't want to upset you further, Gareth, but have you thought about what you're going to say to Elena if she's to be kept out of our plans?"

Gareth nodded and glanced down the hall to make sure Elena had not come out of her room. "I've already told her that I have changed my mind about joining Henry's fight and that we will be returning to England in a few days."

"Will she say anything about this meeting?"

Gareth paused. She had promised not to mention his involvement, but if she thought he was standing for Richard, would she not hesitate to tell the king what she knew of this meeting? He chewed his upper lip, feeling the stubble of several day's growth. Gambling on their night together, he said, "No, she will say naught." His father looked at him searchingly and Gareth struggled to keep his face smooth and innocent looking.

After a seemingly endless few seconds, Morgan nodded and said, "Very well. When will you return to England?"

"In a few days. I would have Elena well rested before we begin yet another journey, and it will take time to have her dress made."

"Ah, yes, her new dress. Was she pleased with your purchase?"

Gareth couldn't suppress his smile. "She was delighted, I think."

"Yes, well what young lady wouldn't be delighted to have a handsome young lad present her with such a generous gift."

"Da," Gareth said. Why was it that his father could one moment treat him like a worldly important man and then the very next, make him feel like a boy of seven?

"Well, it's true. You are handsome. You take after me. Although your mother was quite a beauty as well--had all the boys after her for miles around..."

Gareth stared in amazement as his

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