A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,16

on the ground, Gareth said sharply, "Are you coming or not?"

With an exasperated sigh, Elena stood, her obviously stiff and cramped muscles slowing the effort. Bryant smiled shyly at her and bent to retrieve the blanket.

"Shall I help you onto your horse, my lady?" Cynan asked, trying hard to keep from laughing at Gareth. Never had he seen his friend treat a woman so. And never before had he met a woman quite as imperious as Elena.

"Not before breakfast, I think."

"You slept through breakfast," Gareth said. "Now get on your horse."

"How dare you address me in such a manner!"

Gareth ignored her as he climbed onto Isrid. Cynan helped Elena mount and then handed her some dried meat. "I'm afraid you will have to eat while we ride, my lady." Turning to Bryant he said, "You go ahead and ride the first leg. I'm so glad to be going home, I'll probably fly instead of walk."

Bryant laughed as he climbed up behind Gareth. "You will be flying until your feet hurt. Then you'll be hollering for me to give you your rightful seat."

"Where's that?"

"On the horse's ass, no doubt," Gareth broke in and the three men laughed good-naturedly.

Chapter 5

Elena stared at the men, appalled that they would use such vulgar language in front of her. She shifted her gaze to the hard brown thing in her hand. Was she supposed to eat this? She took a tentative bite, or rather, she tried to take a bite, but could not tear off so much as a morsel. Glancing up to make sure none of the men were looking in her direction, she tried again, pulling on the meat with both hands. She succeeded in tearing off a large chunk, which she proceeded to chew, or rather tried to chew. What am I to do now? she thought. This was like trying to gnaw on boot leather. Elena was wondering if she could discreetly spit out the meat when Bryant leaned over and held out a wineskin.

"If you take a swallow and let it sit in your mouth a bit, 'twill be easier to chew, my lady."

Elena took the skin and poured some wine in her mouth. As she sat there with her large mouthful, trying to ignore the wretched taste, she saw the amused look in the grey eyes of the man in front of Bryant. Tears of anger and humiliation pricked behind her eyes and she pointedly turned her head away from his mocking look. The insolent knave! Elena finally managed to chew the now-soft beef and took another swallow of wine.

They rode through the forest over what looked like no road or trail Elena had ever seen. She couldn't understand why they weren't traveling on the main road. Surely that would have been the fastest route to Haddon Hall.

"Is this not prettier to look at than some old dusty road?" was Cynan's response when Elena questioned him.

Elena glanced around the heavily wooded surroundings. The trees were lush and green, and pink flowering vines crept up many of the trunks. The sun scarcely made it's way through the thick leaves, and instead cast a soft green light over them as well as the forest floor. Beneath the horses' feet, the ground was soft with moss and years of accumulated mulch. Elena shrugged. "I would prefer to be back with King Richard's party than enjoy the scenery. Why can we not travel the road?"

The three men exchanged glances. Finally, Bryant spoke up. "My lady, we fear for your safety. The villains who attacked us yesterday may still be around. We would not jeopardize your safety."

Elena opened her mouth to tell them that the Woodvilles were by now long gone. She snapped it shut again when she realized she would be revealing more than she had claimed to know. As they rode, she tried to decide what, exactly, she would tell the king. If she told him of Elizabeth’s escape, he may thank her for the information. If he realized that Elena was aware of why the princess escaped, he may very well want to silence Elena, for were he to marry his niece, the public outcry would be immense. She could offer her silence in return for the groom of her choice. Elena smiled at the thought and did not notice the tree branch just ahead.

“Ooof!” she said as the hanging leaves whacked her in the face. She sputtered angrily and glared over her shoulder at the offending tree. A sudden thought

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