A Dishonorable Knight - By Morrison, Michelle Page 0,15

reason Gareth had the impression she was not telling the truth, but shrugged. What espionage could one lady-in-waiting engage in?

When they reached the clearing where the men had spread out their blankets, Elena said, "Where is the camp? Where are the others?"

"Others, my lady?" Bryant asked politely.

"Where are the tents? Where are the other ladies?"

"My lady, they are all with King Richard, as Sir Gareth told you."

Seemingly recovered from her earlier shock, she sputtered in fury. “After all I have been through today, you expect me to make do with no inn? No camp? Where, precisely, am I supposed to sleep?"

Bryant hurried over to his bedroll and picked it up. "You may gladly take my blanket, my lady."

"A blanket? Have you no cots, no tents? This is ridiculous! I cannot be expected to sleep rolled up in a blanket with three servants. I am Lady Elena de Vignon!" Gareth's head snapped up and he grimaced at the pain the sudden movement caused his tender skull. "I am part of the king's court. I cannot--"

"You are more than welcome to climb back on your horse and continue down the road if you do not like our accommodations," Gareth snapped. "But should you choose to stay, pray remember that we are not servants and will not be treated as such."

In the bleaching moonlight, Elena stared in mute outrage at him. Before she could respond, the three men silently stretched out on the ground. Elena slowly wrapped the rough blanket around her shoulders and carefully sat down.

"If you have any measure of sense, you'll unsaddle your horse before you sleep."

"Gareth, she's a gentle lady; they're not trained as a stable hand," Cynan argued.

"Then she shouldn't be riding."

"You are the rudest man I have ever had the displeasure to meet," said Elena as she sat up abruptly.

"Just ignore him my lady, I'll see to your horse for you," volunteered Bryant.

With a sigh of relief, Elena laid back down.

"You will at least have the courtesy to thank Bryant for tending your horse, lest I be provoked to call you the rudest woman I have ever had the displeasure to meet," said Gareth.

Though the moon’s light washed her face of color, Gareth could read her indignant thoughts easily for her outrage was laughably evident. She could not believe his gall, would tell the king of his arrogance as soon as she reached him. And yet, she realized—for Gareth saw the dawning realization lift her brows in surprise--she must first reach Richard and he and his friends were her only way there. "My thanks, Bryant, for both your blanket and your assistance," Elena said sweetly before cursing Bryant's companion under her breath.

"Know you this lady that you are so unchivalrous, Sir Knight?" Cynan asked quietly as he and Gareth settled down to sleep.

"Aye. She's a conceited lady of Richard's court who has no manners to those without a title."

"Do I know her?"

"I've no doubt you'll recognize her come morn," Gareth said and then turned his back on Cynan and went to sleep.


"You're right, Gareth, I do remember this beauty," said Cynan as he peeked at the still-sleeping Elena the next morning. "But I do not remember having any occasion to know whether she's conceited or not."

"Trust me, she is." Gareth flushed as he remembered her saying, "Do not think to woo me with proud stories of your herd back home." He rubbed his sword arm with his left hand. It was stiff and sore from its exertions of the day before and Gareth was reminded of his first month of training with a sword. Then, as now, he had scarce been able to lift his sword arm above his head, but that ache was nothing to the throb in his head and the soreness of his leg.

The men washed down their breakfast of dried meat with wine and rolled up their blankets, but still Elena slept. As Gareth and Cynan saddled the horses, Bryant walked over to Elena. "My lady?" he called softly. "My lady, 'tis morn and we must be going." Elena did not respond.

Gareth finished saddling Isrid and walked over to Bryant. Nudging Elena with the toe of his boot he said loudly, "If you mean to sleep all day, kindly return Bryant's blanket so we may continue our journey.”

Elena opened her eyes at the harsh voice. Her evident confusion gave her face a softly innocent look before she realized where she was and the haughty mask slipped back over her features. When she remained

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