Dirty Thoughts - Megan Erickson Page 0,64

explain anything. Jenna wondered how they got anything done where communication was essential.

Jack turned to Cal and huffed out a breath. “I’m taking the kid to the airport.”

Jenna looked at Cal’s face, which was frozen in shock. “The Tory airport?”

“Where the hell else? You think I’m taking him to LaGuardia? We’re going to eat at Smithy’s. Let’s go, kid. Should probably stick a hat on you so you don’t give the old men there a heart attack. Jesus. Blue? Why blue?”

Cal stared. “Wait, why—?”

“Quit with the fucking twenty questions. Now come on, kid, so we can get there before they run out of the rib special!”

Asher’s eyes were huge, a chip raised halfway to his mouth. “You’re taking me to the airport?”

“Did I not just say that? You got dye in your ears? Let’s go.”

Asher stood up, gathering his trash.

Jack’s gaze then focused on Jenna, like he’d only just noticed her sitting there. “So you’re back, huh?” The man talked like he was raised by wolves.

“Yes,” Jenna said. “Good to see you, Mr. Payton.”

“Jack,” he grunted with a scowl.

“Jack,” she amended.

He squinted at her, his eyes not dropping below her neck. “How long you sticking around this time?”

“Dad—” Cal started.

“I’m here for good, Mr.—Jack.”

Cal laid a proprietary hand on her forearm. Jack’s eyes dipped to that and then honed in on his son. “Well, that clears that up.”

“What?” Cal asked.

“Thought maybe girls didn’t give you those feelin’s anymore. Wondered if you were the kid’s way.”

Jenna had to turn her head so she didn’t burst out laughing.

Cal wasn’t amused. “I like women, Dad.”

“I’m just sayin’.”

“You don’t date, so who’re you to talk?”

“I’m too fucking old for that shit.”

Jenna was still stuck on Jack’s taking Asher to the airport. “Does Asher like planes or something?”

Cal turned to her. “Dad’s into ’em. We all chipped in and bought him flight lessons, but he hasn’t done it yet, even though he hangs around that airport with fucking puppy-dog eyes—”

“Now, see here—”

“And now he’s got another kid who will maybe share his obsession, since none of us give a shit.”

“Hey, I like planes,” Jack protested. “They fucking fly!”

Jenna cocked her head. “You like planes,” she said to Jack, “like Cal likes motorcycles.”

Both men fell silent.

“Never thought of them bein’ compared like that,” Jack muttered.

“And if you do let Cal work on bikes here—”

“Gettin’ her on my ass about this too?”

“I can help,” she continued. “I have marketing experience. I could drum up some business.”

Jack was scowling at her, while Cal looked like he was going to kneel at her feet.

And then Brent broke the silence, his voice warbling from inside the office as he belted AC/DC.

Jack rolled his eyes. “That boy.”


Jack waved his hand. “We’ll talk later.”

“That’s what you always say.”

“Well, I need my ribs. I’ll have him home by dinner.” He nodded to Jenna and then waved to Asher to walk ahead of him.

The kid turned around and waved. “See ya later.”

“Thanks for bringing lunch,” Cal said.

As they walked out, Jack called over his shoulder. “Quit lollygagging and get back to work!”

Jenna waited until she heard Jack’s truck start up in the parking lot before turning to Cal. “He’s spending time with Asher?”

Cal was staring at the doorway. “That’s weird as shit.”

“About him and Asher?”

“Hell, yeah. They’re like . . . night and day.” He chewed his lip.

“What?” Jenna asked in response to his troubled stare.

Cal shook his head out of his trance. “Nothing, I . . . well, I guess I’m just surprised. The airport was always my dad’s thing. He rarely took any of us.” Cal huffed. “Getting paternal in his old age or something.”

“Think he’ll ever cave about the motorcycles?”

Cal blew out a breath. “Hell if I know. Thinking now maybe I need to stick Asher on the case.”

“Sounds like maybe you’re not the favorite anymore,” Jenna teased.

Cal snorted a laugh. “I think I’m all right with that.”

CAL WASN’T EAGER to get back to work after they finished lunch. He stood, drinking his water at the sink, while Jenna talked about what she’d done with Asher that morning. Her hair was down in soft waves around her face, and the green of her tank top brought out the green in her hazel eyes. Her cheeks were flushed from the heat, and since it was the best damn sight he’d see all day, he wasn’t in a hurry to get away from it.

“I washed Asher’s hair in the sink, so I didn’t stain your bathroom, by the way,” she said.

“Appreciate that.”

“And there’s

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