Dirty Sexy Alphas (Twenty Book Box Set) - Hannah Ford Page 0,319

be your very lonely life. Well at least for about eight more months.

Then chaos like she couldn’t even imagine was going to break loose.

She wasn’t sure what she was going to do now, but in an attempt to gain a little control of the situation, she had to at least talk to someone about her options. She had to find a doctor, but there was no way in hell she was going to see her family physician, not when she’d been going there her whole life. Dr. Louis knew her parents and she didn’t feel comfortable or safe there.

Her phone showed thirty-five missed calls, all from unknown numbers. Nothing from Ethan, not that she could blame him, even though part of her hoped he would reach out. Last time he’d chased her down, but that was to tell her that she was really pregnant.

She’d left him with no reason to hunt her down again.

That knowledge sank like dead weight into her stomach. Alone. The word echoed in her head.

It only took a few minutes on Google to find a clinic that was local and walk in. They opened tomorrow morning at eight. She set herself a reminder and set the phone down. This would all be so much easier if she could stop thinking about Ethan. How long would it take the gossip sites to find out they weren’t together now?

Apparently she was more of a glutton for punishment than she realized because she had her phone in her hand searching Ethan’s name before she realized it. The top headline, one from one of the more notorious gossip sites came up first.

Modern day Romeo and Juliet or gold digging outcast?

Harper swallowed against the lump in her throat.

While it could be true love, the timing of this new relationship appears a little suspect to this writer. For those who have been living under a rock, Robert Matheson, Harper Matheson’s father, has been accused of stealing millions of dollars from unsuspecting clients in one of the biggest Ponzi schemes we’ve seen.

The Matheson family is currently bankrupt and in what can only be a move of desperation, has sued Wentworth for defamation, seeking unspecified damages. One can only imagine the ego of a man who bilked another out of millions to turn around and sue due to his character. Which begs the question, does Robert Matheson have his daughter working in his corner, trying to get insider information under the guise of pillow talk?

Ethan Wentworth has never been linked more than casually to a woman and his camp is ignoring all requests for confirmation of this supposed relationship. The source that outed the couple is reported to be someone very close, so it’s just a matter of time before we find out if this is for real or not. We can only hope Ethan Wentworth has more sense than to fall for such an obvious ploy.

My parting advice for Wentworth is simple: a zebra doesn’t change its stripes. Harper has been by her father’s side since the beginning, and this reporter has doubts that any feelings she may have are anything more than manipulative damage control.

A cold feeling spread over Harper and she dropped her phone into her lap. It had taken all of a day for the vultures to come out. Ethan’s father had been right about one thing; this was already casting Ethan in a very poor light. How long until his business associates started to think the same thing? If they questioned his judgment about her, it wouldn’t be long until they thought twice about his other decisions. Until they decided he wasn’t fit to run a multi-million dollar international company.

She couldn’t do that to him. His life was going in the right direction before they met and she couldn’t be the reason he lost it all. Her father not only ruined his own life, but hers as well by making it impossible for her to be with anyone without his legacy tainting it all.

“Damn him,” she whispered.

It was also because of him that she had no one else to turn to. Nowhere to go. Actually no, it wasn’t just his fault. If Kylie had not said anything to the gossip rags, she and Ethan would not be under the scrutiny they were and maybe, just maybe, they would have had a real chance.

She couldn’t sit in her apartment staring at the empty rooms a minute longer. Already the walls were closing in on her. It had only been a

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