Dirty Sexy Alphas (Twenty Book Box Set) - Hannah Ford Page 0,215

Even if it were first class, as I assumed, it was still a plane. It didn’t sound fun. It sounded the opposite of fun.

Leo leaned in close to my ear, nudging my hair away with his nose. Softly he said, “Did I mention it’s a private jet?”

Realization washed over me. For a moment, a flash of hurt seared my chest. This was nothing but a straight up booty call. He wanted to hook up with me, and then send me right back home like a paid escort.

But as soon as the pain erupted, I quelled it. I reminded myself that we were both using one another, and now that I saw Leo’s intentions, I could stop feeling guilty all of the time.

This is why I was being paid to write an expose about Leo Armstrong—because he was sleazy and rude and he used women.

My guilt now assuaged, I turned to him, our lips inches apart. “You know, I’ve always wanted to see the Seattle airport,” I said. “It’s on my bucket list.”

“You won’t believe your eyes,” he said, smiling so close to my lips. I wanted to close the inches between us, but in a crowded restaurant…

His lips covered mine before I could finish the thought. They touched me gently but firmly, his fingers just under my chin. I forgot about everyone and everything in those few moments, feeling the kiss he gave me and enjoying it fully.

“Aren’t you afraid someone will see us?” I said. He leaned his forehead onto mine, his fingers still delicately caressing my jaw.

“Let them.” He moved away from me to exit the booth. I followed his lead. He tossed two twenties on the table and said, “One of the reasons I come to places like this—aside from their outstanding filet mignon, is the discretion I know I can count on. Good night, Sylvia,” he said to the hostess as we walked past her.

“Good night, Mr. Armstrong, Ms. Adams,” she kindly replied.

Steve had us at the airport soon after, and I found myself walking up the steps of the Epix Studios private jet—one of them, anyway. This one, Leo told me, was for his use. “Sometimes I let the CFO use it,” he said, “since he handles the money. But this is the good one. Gulfstream G650.” He sounded so proud—or maybe arrogant. I tried to commit the plane to memory for my notes later.

Once the crew had greeted us—two pilots and one flight attendant, Helen—we buckled into our seats and readied for takeoff. Leo and I sat facing each other, and my eyes caught the long couch just across the narrow aisle.

“Don’t worry,” he said, leaning across the table from me once Helen had served us white wine. I could smell rich food warming somewhere in the cabin. “Once we finish dinner, Helen retires to the front and closes her door, and knows not to disturb me unless called. Cheers,” he added, and I clinked my glass to his. I felt a tightening in my throat at the thought of Helen knowing his routine, and when to stay away. It seemed to mean that I was not the first girl to take a ride with him on the jet.

I’d only flown a couple of times. Once Paul and I flew down to New York for a long weekend, but the entire trip was filled with his complaints of the traffic and noise and people and crowds, the very things I loved about the city.

The plane took off and I gripped the armrests tightly, the power of the long, sleek plane feeling so close, as if it were shooting us off like a slingshot. Leo watched me with an amused look on his face. I couldn’t help but smile back.

“You get used to it,” he said. “And then you can’t go back to commercial.”

I wondered if that’s how he felt about the women in his life, but decided to let it go—for now.

“I’m pretty sure I’m not the first girl you’ve taken for a ride on this jet,” I said.

“No, you’re not,” he said.

“Do you always take women with you wherever you go?” I asked. “Tucking them in your pocket like a trinket?” I smiled while I sipped my wine, trying to look like I was teasing when I really I wanted to know the truth.

Leo shrugged. He looked perfectly at ease in the high-back cream leather chair, flying away at a moment’s notice on a private jet. “I like to be surrounded by beautiful

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