Dirty Sexy Alphas (Twenty Book Box Set) - Hannah Ford Page 0,214

don’t give a girl a lot of time, do you?” I said.

“You don’t need it,” he replied. “I’m sure however you look now is perfect. But, uh, if you are taking requests, where something that shows off those gorgeous curves of yours.”

Chapter 8

When I slid into the back of the black SUV, I expected to find Leo waiting for me. But he wasn’t there.

“Good evening. I'm Steve, I’ll be driving you this evening. Mr. Armstrong will meet you at the restaurant.” Aside from that, Steve the driver said nothing else to me. I watched out the darkened windows as we drove on, to where I had no idea.

I got excited as we pulled onto Sunset Boulevard—finally something to check off the list and tell Delaney—but I should have known that Leo Armstrong would not be so common as to dine on one of the city’s most popular streets. Instead we soon turned off onto a small side street that wound its way up the hills until we arrived at a little place that looked like a small house tucked into the trees. The driver pulled the SUV up to the door, and a valet opened the back door for me, helping me out.

Inside the lights were dimmed and although most of the white linen covered tables were occupied, the noise level was low. Respectable.

“I’m meeting…Leo Armstrong?” I told the hostess, feeling ridiculous. The words sounded ludicrous coming from my lips. But the Amazonian blonde in the tight black dress said, “You must be Ms. Adams? Mr. Armstrong hasn’t arrived yet, but I’ll show you to your table.”

She took two hardcover menus, and I followed her through the dining room. I sat in the horseshoe booth, sliding to the center. I tugged on the dress Mel had provided me from the fashion closet. Rebecca let me take home a few clothes and cosmetics that I need for a story we were working on. Since I didn’t know much about the restaurant when Leo had called, I opted for a rich blue wrap dress that showed off my cleavage and hips perfectly. I just hoped Leo would find it acceptable.

And if his face upon seeing me was any indication, he did.

“Hello, gorgeous,” he said, that bright smile spread across his tanned face. He slid into the booth and kissed my check, his hand washing down my back, sending instant chills. “I hope you haven’t been here long.”

“Just long enough to get this,” I said, raising my glass of prosecco. I’d never admit it, but I hoped a part of me thought it would become our drink.

The waiter stopped by our table. I paused for his face to light up with recognition of having a big-time movie exec at his table, but he showed nothing when he said, “Can I get you something to drink, sir?”

“No, nothing for me.”

I turned to look at Leo, confused. “Can you give us a moment?” The waiter nodded and turned away without another word.

“Is everything okay?”

“Well, not really,” he said. He turned to better face me, his hand resting on my hip. It felt warm there, comfortable, his hand cupped perfectly around it. “I’ve got a bit of a work emergency on a set up in Seattle. I can’t stay for dinner. I'm on my way up there now.”

I felt myself physically deflate. I wouldn’t admit it, but I didn’t think it was because of the lost opportunity to turn more dirt up on him.

Being near him made me anxious in the most thrilling way.

“But I think you should come with me,” he continued.

“To Seattle? Now?”

“Sure, why not?”

“No, I’ve got to work tomorrow,” I said. Leo turned his head, and I realized my mistake.

“Doing what? Don't tell me you booked an acting gig,” he teased while watching me closely.

“Temp, I got a temp job,” I said quickly. “I think I’m answering phones. Not sure. I have to be there by nine, though.” I prayed he didn’t ask more.

“I’ll have you back in plenty of time, I promise.”

“Go up to Seattle and back tonight?” I asked. “You’re joking.”

“It’s just three hours. You fly up with me,” he said, leaning close enough that I took in his scent, already becoming familiar to me. He ran his fingers down my arm, sending me serious chills. “I’ll stay in Seattle to handle the business for a day or two, but you’ll fly back tonight.”

Confused, I said, “Why would I fly up to Seattle only to turn around and fly right back?”

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