Dirty Playboy - Alex Wolf Page 0,81

walks toward the hallway.

“We had some fun. It is what it is.”

She stops at the door but doesn’t even bother to look back at me. “No, it was real. You’re just a coward.” Then, she walks off.

The fact she held it together and didn’t even look fazed, makes it a million times worse. It would’ve been easier if she flipped out, or cried, or screamed at me. I would’ve gotten what I deserved that way. I don’t deserve the dignity she just gave me, and it makes me love her even harder, and makes my heart shatter exponentially more.

I need to get the fuck out of here.

There’s only one problem. There’s one more thing I have to do first.

Rick Lawrence

I walk past all the Collins brothers in the hallway except for Decker. They all try to ask what’s up, but I just keep walking past them. Fuck this. I have to get mentally prepared for this next bit of theater work, despite the fact I want to crawl in a hole and die. I want to run after Mary and apologize a billion times and beg for forgiveness, but I can’t. I just hope when this is done, I never have to see any of them again.

Why did my piece-of-shit father have to walk back into my life? I’m a mentally tough person, but this is pushing things beyond limits. Limits I don’t know if I can handle. In fact, I know I can’t. It’s only a matter of time before I snap.

You deserve this for everything you’ve done.

I walk past Quinn’s replacement. Don’t even know her name yet. Don’t care. No reason to learn it. I’m gone after this.

I’m two minutes early for the briefing Decker wants on Wells Covington. He probably wants to assign me even more work on it.

Decker’s on the phone, and I walk over and slam my hand on the button to hang it up.

His eyes widen. “What the fuck?”

“I don’t have all day.” I stand there in front of him, chest puffed out.

“The hell is your problem? That was a million-dollar client.”

I don’t give a shit.

He stands up and takes a few deep breaths. “Unbelievable. Fuck it, I’ll call them back. What do you have that’s new with Covington?”


We lock eyes for a long moment.

“What do you mean, nothing?”

“What I said.”

He shakes his head. “Five years and you’ve never once stood in front of me with nothing to report.”

I shrug and don’t bother to respond.

“I don’t know what your deal is. Is it Mary? Personal shit at work?”

My hands ball into fists. “Don’t fucking say her name.”

He stands there, attempting to read the room for a few long seconds. “You need to get your emotions in check. This is unacceptable. Now take your ass back out there in the field and get me more information on these new holdings you’ve been staking out.”


This time, his eyes damn near pop out of his head. “No?”

“I said what I said.”

“I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I’m getting pissed off now. Get your ass out there and do what I pay you to do, goddamn it.”

“Sounds like you have a hard time listening. I said I’m not doing it.”

“I don’t think you understand our arrangement. You might walk around here doing whatever you want, but you deliver what I ask for, or that goes away. I pay you money for information, not insubordination.”

“I’ve been through everything. The firm doesn’t have any liability, so get off my dick about it.”

He shoves a finger into his chest. “I make that decision. Not you!” His voice raises an octave.

“Fuck off. You don’t own me. I’m an independent contractor. I’ll go to the nearest competitor if you don’t like it, and I know a lot of shit.”

He starts to say something, and I cut him off.

“Don’t think you can run over me like some of these junior associates or your fucking brothers. I do what I want. I control what I want to do, and what work I’ll do.” My face turns red. “You might get away with that shit with them, but you don’t with me, motherfucker. And if you don’t like it, come over here and fucking do something about it, bitch.”

His teeth grind together. “Pack your shit and get the fuck out of the building.”

“About goddamn time.” I turn around and walk out.

I want to crawl into a cave and never come out as I walk through the halls. Believe it or not, I love working

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