Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,61

lawyer was working on Persephone’s lease contract and you ended up knocking a chunk of the rent to make up for the fact that my stupid brother was trying to add illegal clauses to it?”

She fights the grin. “I can’t even with that contract. There was no logic to it. I’m pretty sure your lawyer was just trying to keep Ford happy.”

“Yeah well, in theory, that cost me. If I hire you, those mistakes won’t be happening again,” I say, hopeful. We have great benefits, and I really want to help her.

“It’s nothing personal, I assure you. While the blueberry is a baby, I’d rather choose my caseload. Having a permanent job is demanding and won’t give me the room I need to take care of my newborn. Pierce gets it and is willing to work with me. I know it doesn’t make sense, and you might want to match whatever he offers, but the thing is I know Pierce, and I won’t have that need to throw myself into my new job to show that I’m capable. If I take something new, I’ll be fighting with my instincts all the time, and it’ll be too stressful.”

Judging by her worried expression, I decide to drop the subject—for now. This isn’t about handing her something because I feel bad for her. It’s about hiring the best for my companies. She’s that good.

“Fine, I’ll stop pushing you, but if you ever need a job, I’ll hire you in a heartbeat.”

She chews and licks her bottom lip and as much as I keep fighting with my common sense, the craving for her is beginning to push away the logic.

I know she’s talking, but I can’t make out the words over the blood that’s pumping hard and fast. So, I shake my head, control myself, and say, “What was that?”

Her brow lifts, and damn. Can she stop playing with her lips and her teeth? I swear one of these days I’m going to slam my mouth against hers and she won’t be able to blame anyone but herself for being so sexy.

“When did you stop listening?” she asks suspiciously.

Right about the moment I wanted to be the one fidgeting with your lips.

“You mentioned something about an appointment.”

“Yes, I need to go to the doctor,” she says, and I almost high five myself because it was a great guess. “It’s in my top ten things to do soon. The at-home test said yes…well, the seven I used. Mom confirmed I am, but what if it’s a false positive?”

“Is this denial or just wanting an official yes from a doctor?”

“The second,” she confirms. “It’s just a technicality. I really want them to say, here, you’re expecting a baby, and you’ll be popping this beautiful pumpkin out of your vagina around April twelfth, and it’s in perfect health. Because if you recall, I drank wine while I was in New York. What if something happened to her?”

“Do you want me to get my assistant to schedule you an appointment?” I ask. “She’s researching the nutritionist by the way. I should have more information Monday. Maybe I should ask her to just make you an appointment with both.”

She asks, confused, “Here in Seattle?”

“We have doctors here, too,” I tease her.

“Well, yeah, but I have to…” She trails her voice and her gaze toward the coffee table where her phone and the book she was reading earlier sit. “On second thought, I’m not sure when I’m going back to Denver. I might as well do this here, next week. I should get that positive sooner rather than later.”

I want to throw a fist to the air and celebrate the news.

Trying to sound neutral and not in the least excited, I ask, “What made you decide to stay with us longer?”

She grins. “Mom. She called asking me too many questions all at once, and Brock and I decided it’d be best if we remain with you for a little longer.”

“Sweetheart, let’s make sure you remember this. Brock is mine. If you want to hang out with the kid, you have to stay. You’re not taking him with you,” I warn her with a light voice. “You can just move in with me. I could use another roommate. As you can see, I have plenty of room for you too.”

Her throaty laugh makes me shiver with desire. That sound is just like everything about her, arousing. “Your place is gorgeous, but too far from home. I can’t imagine living in another

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