Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,60

“I agree, that might be impossible, but we can try.”

Once I’m back in the living room, I snag the book carefully and set it up on the coffee table. I lay the blanket on top of her. When I pull it down to cover her feet, I realize she has a ring on her pinky toe, an anklet with an infinity symbol charm, and a tattoo on her ankle. It reads,

Joie De Vivre

It makes me wonder if there’s more underneath that she’s hiding. I don’t speak French, but I know that phrase. It means something like joy of living.

There’s no doubt in my mind that there is a lot more of Nyx Brassard beneath what she lets everyone see. How am I supposed to find out if I’m right when we’re in an awkward place? Her life has shifted permanently; I’m the fucking tin man.

I wish we had met a few years ago, or—

Stopping myself from thinking anything further, I kiss her forehead. Focusing on the ifs is just a loss of precious time and energy.

“Come on, boy,” I whisper to Brock. “Let’s take you outside.”

I open the door for him and watch him run around the backyard chasing birds. The sound of rustling inside the house makes me turn around, and I spot Nyx watching me from the couch.

“Hey, sleeping beauty,” I greet her.

Her lips stretch showing me that sweet, breathtaking smile that I’m growing fond of as we spend more time together.

“How are you feeling?” I ask her.

“Tired,” she answers with a yawn. “What time is it?”

“Only a few minutes past six,” I answer.

She gasps, “I meant to cook dinner for us. My plan was to read a chapter. I swear it was two o’clock just a few minutes ago.”

“You didn’t sleep much last night,” I remind her. “Don’t be harsh on yourself, okay. What else did you do today?”

She briefs me about the wrongful termination lawsuit they’ll be serving her former employer late next week. And she found a place where they can do a non-invasive paternity test.

“We can’t do it until I’m at least eight weeks pregnant,” she states.

“Which according to your calendar is on the thirty first, if I recall correctly.”

“You have an amazing memory. I scheduled my appointment, and Edward’s,” she adds. “He was avoiding me until his cousin threatened to involve the courts if he didn’t agree to provide us with his sample.”

Sounds like bluffing to me, so I ask, “Can he really force him to do it?”

“Doubtful,” she answers and grins. “We’d have to wait until the baby is born and by then, it’d be Edward pushing for it to show me that he has no part in the baby’s life and he doesn’t have to pay child support—which I don’t need him to do. In most cases, you wait until the baby is born to establish paternity. This is different. There aren’t any precedents that we could find in the state of Colorado.

“Waiting until this can become a mess isn’t an option for me though. I just want him to either sign the papers or think about his part in the baby’s life. Though, since Edward is pretty ignorant about family law and fearful of his cousin, he agreed,” she informs me.

“Remind me who this Pierce is,” I ask.

“My mentor and the guy who is helping me with the wrongful termination case,” she answers. “He asked me if I could drive down to Oregon this weekend. Would you mind if I borrow one of your cars?”

I want to tell her that he should be the one dropping by Seattle, but instead, I offer to drive her. “We can leave early in the morning.”

“Thank you so much. I don’t want to inconvenience you. However, Pierce and I have to discuss the lawsuit and also his employment proposal.” She pauses and takes a long sip of air. “He might be able to provide me with a good insurance that’ll cover the maternity expenses.”

I rub the back of my neck, turning to check on Brock who is still sniffing around the grass and say, “I’m not sure how to feel about your rejection. You’re accepting work from everyone but me.”

She lifts an eyebrow and waves her hand. “Sometimes I’m not sure if you’re joking or being serious.”

“This is me being totally honest. I want you on my team because you’re damn good. I’ve seen you work,” I pause and look toward the backyard and then back again at her. “Remember that time when my

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