Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,102

on their way to Orca island and won’t be able to get back to Seattle for a couple of hours.

“She’s so beautiful,” Persy whimpers. “I want one.”

“You make cute kids, Andromeda,” Eros declares, smiling at my baby. Then he looks at me and asks, “What’s happening with the asshole?”

I shrug. “We had to leave the emergency hearing since the little one decided it was time to arrive.”

“I told you she was a Monday baby,” Nyx protests. “She’s never going to let me sleep.”

“Do we have a name yet?” Persy asks curiously.

Pierce enters the room and looks at Nyx shaking his head. “She’s just like you. She couldn’t wait for a couple more hours, could she?”

Nyx shrugs.

“What happened?” I ask, because I need to make sure that this is the happiest day of Nyx’s life.

He smiles and hands Nyx a folder, glancing at my baby who is now with Eros. “Edward relinquished his parental rights.”

“What happened to him?” I ask, wanting to know if he’s going to come back. I know that those papers assure me that he can’t do anything, but what if he still wants to fuck with us?

“Well, my cousin is going to spend a few years in jail. Fraud, embezzlement, bribing judges…the list is long. They are transferring him to Colorado. Mom lost her license. The rest will happen at home where the prosecution is ready to take down a few judges and law firms.”

“Just like that?” Nyx asks.

He nods. “We’ve been investigating them. I happened to find the last piece of the puzzle last week. This was going to be handled differently, but…they chose the hard way.”

“So, what now?” she asks.

“You’re officially on maternity leave,” he states. “I’m heading back home because I can only use so many days away from the hell hole before I get everyone in trouble. You three are about to start something new and wonderful. Enjoy it.”

He leaves and Nyx glances at our little girl. “Can I have her back?” she requests.

I take her from Eros, place her in her arms, and kiss them both.

“What are you thinking?” I ask, hoping she found the name.

“New,” she repeats.

“You’re not calling her New,” Eros protests. “That’s worse than Apple, Blue, or Bear.”

“Nova Gladys Brassard-Chadwick,” she says the name while looking at her. We know that the last name won’t happen until I officially adopt her, but I hope we can file for that soon.

“I think it fits her,” I say, staring at the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen.

My baby.

“Nova?” Persy asks.

“That’s new in Latin. It also means brightness,” Nyx mentions, looking at our baby with so much love she’s about to burst like a supernova.

“You’re calling her after Grandma?” Ford asks when he enters the room. He looks at the baby and smiles. “She’s adorable. I think Gladys would have adored her first great-grandchild.”

“I want one,” Persy tells him.

“We can try to grab one from the other rooms or wait until we make one. Your choice,” he answers and gets closer to the bed extending his arms. “May I? I just washed my hands. I swear.”

When he takes the baby in his arms, he looks at me and says, “You did good, kid. Little Nova is safe with her family.”

It’s around six when we’re finally alone, but a last visitor arrives.

“Hey, can I come in?” The female voice is a lot similar to Persy and Nyx’s but with a little squeak to it.

When I look up, I see Callie, Nyx’s baby sister. She’s been gone for almost a year. Ford and I have been keeping an eye on her. We visited Boston last November to convince her to attend Persy’s wedding. She refused, but we hoped that she’d visit when Nova arrived. Ford called her after I texted him. We had everything set up for the trip in case she agreed.

Nyx looks up and smiles. “Callie.”

“I heard you were having someone new to boss around and I thought, hmm, it’d be a good idea to warn her about you,” Callie answers and smiles. “You’re a mom.”

“Come on in,” I prompt her and get closer to her, showing her Nova. “Nova, meet your Aunt Callie.”

“She’s so tiny,” Callie whispers. “Beautiful, like her mom.”

“How are you?” Nyx asks.

“I’m fine,” she answers. “I’m sure you know since these guys happened to find me easily.”

“We just wanted to make sure that you’re okay,” I announce. “For your family’s sake. I know it’s hard to understand, but they worry about you.”

“It’s all good, I promise. I just

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