Didn't Expect You (Against All Odds #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,101

been having these weird cramps since last night,” she announces.

“Contractions?” I ask.

“No. Haven't you watched movies and TV? Women yell when they have contractions. I’m having these small spasms and my lower back bothers me when it happens.”

She makes that sound again, the one that she’s been making since breakfast and then touches her back. I time her, and there’s just a minute between each episode.

“You’re having the baby,” I declare.

“No, I’d know,” she insists.

“Humor me, please,” I beg her.

“There’s no pain, my water hasn’t broken, and it’s not time,” she swears.

“Just let a doctor confirm that I’m wrong,” I beg her.

“I need to know what’s happening in there. This baby can’t be born until I know he can’t take her away from me.”

“He won’t, I swear, but let’s go.”

“What if they snatch her from my side.”

“Can you trust me?” I beg her.

I’m not sure what I’m promising because other than kidnapping the baby and hiding somewhere in the Caribbean, there’s not much I can do according to the fucking legal system.



My heart pounds faster the closer we get to the hospital. I’ve heard those funny stories where the husband has to stop and help the wife deliver the baby. Every time I hear that shallow moan Nyx makes, I push the gas pedal.

We arrive at the hospital within twenty-five minutes. I text Ford as we head to the maternity ward. Nyx’s family is in town. They’re staying at an Airbnb close to downtown. I’m not sure if I need them, but I know Nyx wants them close by. I’ve done this before, going to the delivery room. But this feels different. When the doctor says she’s almost ten centimeters dilated and we just arrived in time, I almost say I told you so, but instead, I say, “We’re about to meet her.”

“You won’t let anyone take her, will you?”

“Nope. I’ll be right by her side,” I swear.

She’s connected to several monitors. One of them measures her contractions. They have to break her water. The doctor explains that not every pregnancy or delivery is the same. Women are different. The average is what everyone hears, twenty-four hours of pain, water breaking dramatically, and the mother screaming bloody murder. Some are just serene, like Nyx’s.

When she has the next contraction, the doctor says, “Okay, they are now spaced pretty close to each other. I think it’s time to push. Are you ready?”

“Yes, you are,” I whisper, kissing her temple.

I’m holding her, watching the doctor as she’s coaching Nyx to push and breathe.

“The head is out,” the doctor announces, and I take a look at the squishy little face. With a second push comes the rest of the baby, and I’m asked to cut the umbilical cord.

I don't think twice. I just do it with the tool they hand me and take the most beautiful girl in my arms. She cries, but when I say, “You're safe, my little love,” she sniffs, and I swear looks at me as if she knows exactly who I am.

“Let’s meet Mama,” I tell her, handing her to Nyx who is sobbing.

“I love you, pumpkin,” she whispers. “I’m Mom.”

I kiss her forehead and then brush her lips. “You did amazing.”

The nurse takes the baby to clean her and another one puts bracelets on Nyx and myself. I watch our little girl closely. While they take them to their room, Ford texts me.

Ford: Security is on the premises. We’re on our way.

Until I have a signed order by the judge, Edward won’t get close to my baby girl. He might have donated his sperm, but he has nothing to do with her. The only reason he’s been fighting Nyx is just to fuck with her.

I grab the little pink bundle from the plastic crib and hand it to Nyx. “We still don’t have a name.”

“Livia?” she asks and shakes her head.

“Mairi?” I suggest.

“Nivia?” Nyx counteracts and scrunches her nose.

“Nova,” I offer.

“I was thinking Wylder. It goes with Chadwick,” she says.

“Leave Wylder for our boy,” I respond.

She chews on her lip. “We…”

“We will talk when the storm ends. I can feel that’s about to be over,” I say calmly. “We’ve been through a lot, but we survived, haven’t we?”

She nods. I brush her hair and kiss her lips. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.”

“Flattery won’t get you far with me, Mr. Chadwick.”

“Good, because I never want to be far away from you,” I assure her.

Persy and Eros are the first to arrive. Edna and Octavio were

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