The Devil's CrownPart Two - Monica James Page 0,7

anyone who’ll listen about what a callous asshole I am. All this is necessary for me to rebuild my reputation, which is imperative to get what I want.

Tonight is the first step.

With Ella’s wedding only weeks away, I needed to act fast, so I’m hosting a gathering at my home. Some call it a housewarming, but I call it strategy because I’ve invited anyone of importance, and that includes Santino Macrillo and his sons.

Someone who has regained their throne is expected to do this, so it won’t raise any suspicions. No doubt, the tension will be thick as we’re all finding our footing with each other. But as far as I’m concerned, I’m unrivaled because any challenge will be met with me cutting off their heads.

Hobbling over to my desk, I take a seat and decide to call Mother Superior to let her know how Irina is settling in.

When I asked for permission to adopt Irina, Mother Superior was apprehensive. I was the reason she was kidnapped in the first place. I was also the reason the orphanage belonged to a sociopath for a moment in time.

But with Serg dead, the signed deed died with him, and it was as if it never existed. Sloppy work on Serg’s behalf as he didn’t even have a backup plan. But I didn’t expect anything less from that worthless piece of shit.

His mutilated corpse is my wallpaper on my computer. Far more creative than any artwork Ms. Oblonsky could ever present me.

Dialing Mother Superior, I smile when she answers. “Hello, Aleksei. How are you?”

My injuries are healing, but I’m still not comfortable visiting the orphanage looking the way I do. Irina is accustomed to seeing my fading bruising, but I don’t want to frighten the other children. Or Mother Superior.

“I’m well. I wanted to call to let you know I’ve found a wonderful au pair for Irina. She’s from France. Her name is Celine. They bonded instantly.” I decide to omit the fact Celine was the twenty-third candidate I interviewed for the position.

I’ve been very selective about who I chose for the job, but I’ll have nothing but the best for Irina. How were they supposed to teach Irina English and Russian if their resume was full of grammatical errors?

Celine’s kind and caring nature is what Irina needs.

“How wonderful,” Mother Superior says. “I’m so pleased. How is Irina?”

“She seems to be settling in well. She hasn’t quite grasped the concept that her room is hers. She believes she’ll need to share one day soon.”

Mother Superior chuckles. “I bet you’ve spoiled her.”

Thinking about her pink bedroom and abundant toys, I smile. “Not nearly enough. You must come visit.”

“I’d love to.”

Clearing my throat, I decide to cut to the chase. “I know you said there was no paperwork on Irina, but I’m desperately trying to uncover her roots. Is there anything you can remember that may help?”

“I don’t know what to tell you. All she came here with were the tattered clothes on her back. I have some photos I can email to you. Maybe you’ll see something that I didn’t?”

“Yes, that would be very helpful. Was a…complete physical examination done?” This is the nice way of asking if the doctors looked her over to detect any sign of sexual abuse.

“I will send everything I have to you,” she says. I don’t know why she’s avoided the question, but it suddenly makes me nervous.

“Okay, thank you. Your attorney has had no issues with the deed?”

“No. Everything has returned to normal. Well, as normal as it can be after—” She doesn’t continue, but I know what she was going to say.

After Sister Yali was slain.

This will always divide us because no number of apologies and no sum of money will ever be enough to excuse what I allowed to happen.

“Wonderful. I will call soon.”

“Okay and please remember, the orphanage will always be your home.”

A lump forms in my throat, and I quickly say my goodbyes before hanging up.

Taking a breath, I pull myself together. Mother Superior has every right never to speak to me again, but her kindness always has me feeling so unworthy of it, and that’s because I am.

A knock on the door thankfully diverts my attention.


Pavel appears, looking at the blank space on my wall. “I take it you didn’t appreciate Ms. Oblonsky’s taste in art?”

Scoffing, I lean back in my leather chair. “Just add her to the ever-growing list of disgruntled individuals who will work in our favor.”

Pavel nods. “Very true. The Copyright 2016 - 2024