The Devil's CrownPart Two - Monica James Page 0,6

other woman and man who has come into my home, she has attempted to lure me in with her gimmicks. Short skirts. Expensive perfume and cologne. They all want to entrap the newly appointed boss of Russia and have a taste of the power.

But it’s going to take a lot more than that because no matter what they bring to the table, I’ll never be interested. Only one person holds my attention, and she’s the reason I’m here.

It’s been one week since I moved into this glorious home and reinstated my place at the top. It was met with resistance, of course, because many wanted to take Serg’s place. But they were greeted with retaliation, and by that, I mean, I broke their noses, kneecaps, ribs whatever I felt was needed to remind them who was boss.

I told them I was on hiatus, but now that I was back, things have changed. I once worked within a circle, but now, I’m a lone wolf, and if anyone had a problem with that, they’d pay with their lives. Anyone is easily replaced because every single one of these assholes are disposable.

So, anyone who dares to come into my domain and attempt to play me, well, they will be made an example of. Just like Ms. Oblonsky here.

“Do you know what I do to women who disappoint me?” I pose, holding her gaze.

She turns around slowly. “I’ve heard—”

“What have you heard, Ms. Oblonsky? Please, enlighten me.” My tone is calm, but this is the calm before the storm.

“I’ve heard rumors that you own ten virgins who are waiting at your beck and call.”

Very good. Pavel’s gossip has reached the right outlets then.

“And when they’re no longer virgins, you dispose of them, only to replace them with two more.”

Well, this is a little farfetched. But, I suppose, why allow the truth to get in the way of a good story?

Gripping the cane, I ponder her admission. “I don’t suppose you’d fit the bill then, would you? I mean, you came in here, far from portraying yourself as a virgin. Am I right?”

She nods, guiltily.

“Is that why you brought that abomination in here?” I ask, gesturing to the painting under her arm.

Once again, she nods.

“You knew I’d hate it, and in turn, I’d punish you for your ill taste?”

She blushes, but nothing about this woman is bashful.

Nina is boring me. But to be fair, everyone does. There is no challenge. They all submit, but I don’t want submission. I want to be pushed until I can no longer stand it. But I have a role to play.

Clucking my tongue, I decide to put an end to this spectacle because I need to prepare for tonight’s gathering. “Very well. Who am I to deny punishment? Lift your dress. Let me see if you blush all over.”

She suddenly appears confused. Was she expecting me to fall to my knees, duped by her ploy to get me hard? All she’s done is put me to sleep.

When she realizes I’m serious, she lowers the painting onto the floor and suggestively draws up the hem of her dress. This show of hers grates on my nerves, but I feign interest in the grand reveal. Focusing on her bare пизда, I wonder if it’ll stir a response in me.

It doesn’t.

I could be offered all the pussy in the world, and it wouldn’t make a difference. I am indifferent to everything. Since Ella left my side, everything has lost its flavor. I want, I crave only one drug and knowing she’ll be here in mere hours has my cock hardening.

Nina believes this response is elicited by her and smirks. Just as she attempts to strip, I shake my head.

“I’ve seen enough. You may leave.”

She freezes, clearly confused by my change of heart. But what she doesn’t understand is that I don’t have one of those. A heart, that is.

“Aleksei—” She falters, realizing her mistake.

“Did I give you permission to address me this way?” I ask bluntly. “My friends call me by my first name, and last I checked, we are not friends. You’re merely a warm body to pass the time, and that is something I cannot spare, seeing as I need to find another interior decorator. Now get out.”

“You’re a real Мудак, you know that?” she cries, frantically pulling down her dress and retrieving her god-awful painting.

I smirk in response.

She slams the door shut behind her.

That was rather dramatic, but it had the desired effect as she’ll no doubt tell Copyright 2016 - 2024