Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,77

I wondered how such a place existed in a world like ours. As if answering my mental question, two armed guards walked past us, patrolling the streets. We were probably inside one of those closed and protected subdivisions that had become trendy since the darkness took over.

From the front door, a tall guy came out. It was dark and I couldn’t see his features, but for some reason, I believed he wasn’t a stranger. This had to be the guy whose friend blew up in a car, but a few years older.

He grabbed keys out of his jacket pocket and walked to the black sports car parked in the driveway. He stopped and pressed a hand to his forehead, closing his eyes, as if a headache had come over him.

Ceris pointed to him and his cell phone rang.

“Hello,” he answered, gritting his teeth.

“Hi, baby. It’s me.” I gaped at Ceris. She was the one speaking, but her voice was different.

The guy smiled through his pain. “Hey, hon, what’s up?”

“Could you do me a favor?” Ceris asked.

“Anything,” he answered.

“Pick up my prescription at the pharmacy before coming over?” she asked, sounding like someone else. “I really need it.”

“All right.” The guy opened the car door and slid inside. “See you in fifteen?”

“I’ll be waiting,” she said in that fake voice.

As the guy backed the car out of the driveway, she pivoted. The image before us switched. Now, we faced a fancy apartment building. From one of the windows on the second floor, I could see a beautiful blond girl around my age. She was dressed up and wore makeup. She kept leaning out the window, looking outside, as if waiting for someone.

A train whistle caused me to put my hands over my ears, but it wasn’t a train. It was a huge tornado and it was coming for the building—fast.

My breath caught, and I was about to run to help the girl get out of the building.

Before I could take a step, the world revolved around me, smoke coiling around me, and I found myself outside the Fates’ cottage.

The door was open and I felt compelled to peek in. Inside, Ceris took off her cloak and sat in an armchair across from the Fates.

“I need help,” she started. “Levi won’t make it alone. He has no idea what is happening to him.”

The Fates shook their heads. One said, “You altered his future too much already. You should stay away from him before Imha senses him.”

“Please!” the goddess begged. “He will die soon. His pain is increasing. His body won’t hold his soul much longer. He needs help. Let me help him.”

“It’s not our choice, Ceris. We can’t interfere directly. Neither can you.”

“I can’t leave him there,” she insisted, her clear blue eyes shining with unshed tears. “He’ll die. And this time, since he’s still mortal, death will be forever!”

“You can’t help him,” another Fate said.

Ceris closed her eyes and buried her head in her hands. After a few silent moments, she let out a loud sob, and then stood upright. “Then I’ll find someone who can.”

As she left the cottage, the scene changed once more.

Under a thick tree with heavy leaves, hidden from prying eyes, I was seated on a park bench beside Ceris.

The Fates came out of a hiking trail and entered a small, veiled clearing, approaching Ceris.

“I’ve found who can help me,” the goddess exclaimed, barely containing her enthusiasm. “She’s beautiful and kind. He won’t resist her, I’m sure.”

“Why do you insist on jeopardizing his safety?” a Fate asked.

“Levi’s not safe alone.” Ceris raised her melodious voice. “He suffers. He needs my help. I cannot bear watching him wilt away.”

“And what is your plan?” another Fate asked.

“As if you didn’t know,” Ceris said as a Fate shrugged. “I want to make a deal with you.”

“Go on,” a Fate said.

“I’ve found the girl Levi will have feelings for. Now I have to make her useful. I ask you to give her your most precious gift.”

“And what do we get with this?”

She smiled. “Her soul will be mine. It’s inevitable. Love for her family rules her life, which makes me her goddess. She will fall in love with Levi and will do anything to protect him. Once Levi remembers who he is and doesn’t need her guidance anymore, I’ll give her soul to you.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that,” she said. Her eyes were eager and expectant.

The Fates joined their right hands and closed their eyes. For a few seconds, they remained Copyright 2016 - 2024