Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,76

had even forgotten I was having a vision when the scene changed. Now, I was in a playground, watching a few children play while their parents stood close by, chatting.

“They cannot see us.” A voice came from behind me. I turned to see the Fates. I froze, thinking the words had been directed at me, but Ceris stood beside them, watching the children play.

“Isn’t he beautiful?” She smiled, her gaze focused on a cute boy, who was yelling he was Superman. “His birthday is coming up. Six years.”

Then it hit me. Oh God, that was Levi? He looked like a regular boy, a human child.

“You shouldn’t have looked for the boy, Ceris,” a Fate reprimanded the goddess. “It’s too dangerous.”

“I couldn’t stay hidden knowing he was out there unprotected. I had to find him. And, after almost six years of looking, I found him. I’m amazed at how strong his aura is. How he pulled me to him.”

“Be patient, Ceris,” another one said. “I can see you’re anxious to help the boy. He’s too young yet.”

“I know,” the goddess said. “I’ve been thinking,” she started, finally turning to the Fates. “Levi is back. And Mitrus?”

The Fates kept their gazes on Levi. One said, “He will be six the same day as Levi.”

“No,” Ceris muttered, shaking her head. “But he is the one who caused this mess! Tell me where he is and I’ll kill him right now!”

“You know you can’t. Or shouldn’t. We need to restore the balance. That will only be complete if Levi and Mitrus return to us.”

“And when will this happen?”

“Be patient,” a Fate said.

Ceris puffed. Then her eyes bugged. “His scepter? What happened to his scepter?”

“Lost. It’ll be crucial to find his scepter once he remembers who he is.”

“You see, child,” another Fate said, “his body is human, while his spirit is of a god. His body won’t hold for too long and only the scepter will transform him into a full god again.”

“What will happen to him?” Ceris asked, anxiously observing the boy as he played.

“You will see.”

Something told me I knew what would happen to him, but before I could think it through, the smoke wrapped around me. When it dispersed, I found myself on a sidewalk in a town. I stood in front of a furniture store beside Ceris. It seemed nobody could see her again, since people scuttled past her—and me—without glancing or bumping into either of us.

I followed her attentive eyes. Inside the store, a couple and an old man spoke with a salesman. Then, Ceris glanced to our side, toward a tall man. She approached him and whispered something in his ear. His eyes bugged, becoming glazed, as if he’d been hypnotized. He marched to the furniture retailer.

Ceris turned her back to the store. Once more following her gaze, I saw a young boy inside an electronic store across the street. He reached for the door, about to leave, but Ceris wiggled her fingers and the store’s door slammed shut. The boy pushed against the door, but it didn’t move. He called someone to help him. Some adult tried to open the door, but it stayed locked.

Behind us, three gunshots popped loudly. My heart lodged in my throat and I jumped. I turned to find out what had happened, but the setting altered once more.

As expected, I was again beside Ceris. This time we stood in an alley, observing a group of young men leaving a swanky club.

With his back to us, a tall guy talked animatedly to another guy with dark hair. The dark-haired guy walked around a car and invited the tall one for a ride.

Ceris wiggled her fingers in the guy’s direction.

“You know what?” the dark-haired guy said. “I want to be alone. Get a ride with someone else.” He got into his car and peeled out of the parking spot, leaving his tall friend to stare after him, his hands shoved in his pockets and his shoulders hunched high, as if he were perplexed. The tall guy still stared at the retreating car when, out of nowhere, a van turned the corner and hit his friend’s car, which exploded upon impact.

Next to me, Ceris seemed unaffected as the giant ball of fire grew.

The tall guy staggered back, and then turned around. But before I could see his face, the surroundings melted in smoke, placing me somewhere else yet again.

With Ceris by my side, I was in front of a cozy white house in a nice neighborhood. Copyright 2016 - 2024