Destiny Gift (The Everlast Trilogy) - By Juliana Haygert Page 0,58

this is Victor and Micah.” I motioned toward them, then tried again. “Morgan, we need your help.”

“Why would ones like you need my help?” he asked. There was a musical accent to his speech I could not pinpoint, but his definition of us was what caught my attention.

“Ones like us?” I asked. “What are we?”

“You tell me,” he said, raising his arms in exasperation. “I’ve never felt auras like yours.”

“Yeah, see,”—I curled my hair around my finger—“we don’t understand this aura thing.”

Morgan raised an eyebrow, examining us. I felt like a monkey in a cage getting ready for an experiment. “All right, come to my office.” He led us to a side door into his tiny and cramped office.

He beckoned toward one of the only two chairs, indicating I should sit, while he took the second one. Before I sat I glanced back, making sure the guys were with me. And my breath was knocked out of me. Looking like seductive perfume ad models, Victor and Micah leaned against the wall. Victor stuffed his hands into his jeans pockets, and Micah crossed his arms over his black leather jacket. Good God!

Trying to focus, I turned back to face Morgan. “Thanks for receiving us.”

“Don’t thank me yet.” Morgan propped his legs on his desk. “I’m just curious about your auras.”

“As are we,” I said.

“You talk as if you can’t sense them.”

“I can’t, but he can.” I pointed to Micah, who nodded to confirm it.

“I see.” Morgan squinted, studying us. “And why are you here?”

“We need your help.” Suddenly, I felt like a guilty woman getting ready to confess a crime. My chest tightened as the ridiculousness of the situation hit me. I almost laughed out loud. “Things we don’t understand have been happening and someone said you could help us.”

“Do you know who I am?” he asked, getting up. “What I do?” I shook my head, embarrassed. Tsking, Morgan turned to the wall behind him and, from the floor, grabbed what look like a rolled rug. “I’m a priest. A priest of a forgotten creed.” He unrolled the rug and hung it on screws on the wall.

When he retreated, I gasped.

I think he was about to explain the drawing, but noticed my reaction and waited. I stood and walked toward it.

It was the throne room of the crystal palace, showing the thrones lined up and the gods and goddesses elegantly seated on them, holding their staves. Levi was in the middle, Ceris on his right, Mitrus on his left, then Imha and Omi and the others I didn’t know. Under them, there was a large symbol.

“I know them.” I ran my fingers over the drawing.

“You do?” Morgan asked, his eyes wary.

“This is Levi, Ceris, Mitrus, Imha, and Omi.” While saying their names, I pointed to each respective figure. “I don’t know the others’ names.”

With wide eyes, he said, “The others aren’t as important. They aren’t lesser gods either, but the ones that make the big decisions are the ones you named. How do you know them?”

I glanced at Victor and Micah, scared of revealing my secret to a stranger. I swallowed and said, “I have visions about them.”

Morgan’s big round eyes became even wider. “You do?” He sounded excited. “Do your visions become real?”

“Well, I kept seeing this guy in my visions, and he told me everything about himself. Then, I met him in person.” I pointed at Victor. “He didn’t know me, but I know all about him. And there was the episode of the burned town in Switzerland. I saw it happening. It was Omi. He threatened the nymphs on a lake nearby. The nymphs didn’t give him the information he sought, so he killed them and wiped out the city.”

“Really?” Morgan’s eyes gleamed in awe. “You do know what they are patrons of?”

I glanced back at the beautiful drawing in the rug. “I’m not sure.”

“Well, Levi is the god of life, balance, and spirit. Ceris is the goddess of love, family, home, and beauty. Omi is the god of war, courage, and wisdom. Mitrus is the god of death, the underworld, and the dead. Imha is the goddess of chaos and discord. And the others”—he pointed at them in the drawing—“are the god of the sun and the day, the goddess of the moon and the night, the goddess of nature and seasons, the goddess of entertainment and artists, and the god of magic.”

Intrigued by its familiarity, I stared at the symbol on the lower part of the Copyright 2016 - 2024